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As most of you have probably already heard, Patreon is backing off their recent revamp for the donor system, and has apologized quite profusely for the... well, let's just call it boneheaded way they tried to roll it out.

There's still some issues with the overall Patreon system, and they're still going to try and work those out- but this time, at least according to the apology post, they'll shoot for more input and feedback from the various creators, donors and artists first.

Which, of course, they should have done at the beginning. :)

I'm sorry for any hassle this caused, and of course I appreciate all the support everyone's given me, whether you waited it out or had to bail because of the changes. I appreciate those that came back once Patreon backed off the plan, and I appreciate the past support of those that decided not to rejoin for whatever reason.

I wish I had the time do do up some killer art piece for all of you, but with the holidays on the way and the various projects I have going on- plus the books, can't forget the books :) - I just can't spare the clock cycles right now.

The strip above is an old unused one from a storyline idea I was going to try years ago- check the date, I drew that in 2010. :) I was thinking I'd have Pirta win a Harley, spend a few days wandering around in stereotypical "biker chick" garb (leather jacket, sunglasses, fingerless gloves, etc.- but always still in her shorts) and trying to say things in "biker lingo" ("Oh yeah, come check out mah HOG!") only to find out a couple weeks later she hadn't even started it, has no idea how to ride it, etc.

The storyline never really appealed to me, and I only got about three strips in before bailing on it. I'll eventually reuse the artwork at some point, with different dialogue, etc. Either that or add it in as bonus art to a book or something. :)

Anyway, thank you all, again, and I hope you'll all stick around for the next 2,500 strips! :)





I'm glad I waited to see what would happen rather than instantly cancelling

Akhier Dragonheart

Well the good news is that the kerfuffle made me look around Patreon and find your comic again. I lost track of it years back after a catastrophic computer failure.


I bailed as a protest but have now reinstated all the pledges and added some I deleted last year as well as upgraded two pledges.

Bernard Doove

With the way the proverbial hit the fan, I suspected there might be a change or retraction, so I waited it out. Saved myself a lot of bother.

Kaz Redclaw

I had started (slowly) knocking out some of the larger comics I donate to, but I've reversed almost all of those now. I left off a couple that I've dropped from reading a long time ago.

Kaz Redclaw

They still haven't fixed this problem though: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/qwNqtDT.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/qwNqtDT.png</a>

Kaz Redclaw

That ones a bit too even for the non-round number pledge, but it would be another good pledge level. Maybe $2.42?


Actually, if you wanted to do this storyline, it might be fun to have Pirta being taught to ride it. Perhaps Roger enjoys a bike ride?

Henry K9

I also am glad that I waited before dumping my account.


Pirta needs to partner up with Jessie, the biker tigress, from Nine to Nine! Hmmm comic crossover potential? ^^


The same for me, but there's one Creator who isn't responding to the upper tier I've subscribed to, so I'd be dialing back on that one anyway.


The guys "pimp out" the bike into a small truck...


Random Picture time? I know the website has a few but they gotta be old right?


Frankly Doc, I think this strip pushes the boundary of credibility. I can't imagine you ever not knowing how to put a marker back together.


Well, I *did* write it over seven years ago. I was so young and naive back then... :)