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Oh boy, oh boy...! Guess what souvenir I brought back from my last trip...? Yep, yep, something tells me you've already guessed it...!

Well, I mean, actually...! You know, I have brought back more stuff than just a cold, I've brought some quite nice and special souvenirs with me, it's been a really funny and busy trip! But, you know, this cold is basically the reason why we have this post today! But before anything, first things first... Hey! Hi, hi there! It's so good to see you, how are you, how are you doing...? I really hope you had a great week while I was off, and I really hope that you're having a good time during this week as well! Thank you, thank you so much for all your support and your messages, I read them while I was away, and they mean a lot to me, thank you so much for your patience and for your understanding, you're truly amazing, thanks a lot, my dear friend... ;)

And now, about this cold...! Yeah, I'm sorry, but somehow during the last few days of the trip, I started to notice some cold symptoms, and yesterday when we came back by train I started to notice that, indeed, I have caught a cold, with body aches, cough, you know, the typical cold...! And today I'm afraid that I'm still kinda recovering from this cold and I'll need at least today to fully recover, but don't worry, I'm feeling better than yesterday, and my idea is to resume with our super hot and sexy TF stuff tomorrow! Again, thank you so much for everything, and sorry for the rush, everybody...! Now, let's have some soup and get well soon! ;3




*Walks in with a broken arm* I EMPATHIZE!


What, you think you can just write 69 on the thermometer and get a rise out of me? You think I'm some kind of simpleton huh? Some kinda low brow humor enjoy-er huh? Well you were right, because I did laugh.


Oh wow! And I thought it was hard for me to draw with a cold, imagine with a broken arm...! Take care, Mitchell! >.<


Hehehe, 69 funni spoicy number :3 I see that you are a person of culture as well, Fr0g~