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Hey, all! Furzota here, and...! Oh yeah, that's right, you guessed it! It's gonna be one of those weeks!

Alright, so...! Yep, yep, it's just what you're thinking, it's happening again, ladies and gentlemen... That's right, I'm on a trip, yet again! I just got here where I am right now after taking train after train, it's been like a... I'd say that it has been something like an eight hour trip or so, yeah, and I just got here! I'm literally kinda unpacking my stuff still, BUT...! Of course first things first, I gotta tell you about this little week off to keep you updated abou the spicy and hot stuff! :D

And I'll try to be as quick as possible! Since I'm writing these sexy lines on my phone and they're kinda waiting for me right now to see some stuff, so, I'll try my best...! Alright then, the trip...! We'll be on this trip since today June 5 until June 11, so next Tuesday we'll be on a train again and by the next Wednesday, we'll be back again with our hot and super spicy stuff! Which means that it'll be less than a week, just for one day, but hey! ;P

And about this trip... Sungura and I are kinda working together preparing something really special and important to us, and we're here to keep working on that...! And don't worry, we'll say more about that really soon, you'll see! ;3

I'll keep you updated during this week, I'll still try to work on some stuff here, like making COLLECTIONS! My apologies for the inconvenience, and thank you so, SO much for your patience!




Mental health and having fun is important! It means you do more beautiful, beautiful NAUGHTY!


That's absolutely true, Mitchell! That is so true... Thank you so much!


Ohhh, hey, Cattail...! Thank you so much! ;3 Also, wow! We reallty gotta keep up with your sketches, it's been so long since our last update...! Alright, as soon as I'm getting better, we really gotta resume with your transformation!