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when I got up today I noticed something different in my living room:  a portal to Felarya  had opened ! 

In others words, the 5000 cap has been breached !  

This is incredible ! :D 

When I came up with this goal as i was starting that page it was meant as something unreachable, that i didn't even envision  would be possible and now... here we are ! 

I feel incredibly blessed to have a community so generous, so supportive, so kind and so patient as you guys ^__^

I'm not sure my words can convey just how grateful I am for your support ! it's no exaggeration to say it has been life-changing for me ! And especially at those difficult and uncertain times. 

So a HUGE and heartfelt thank you to all of you guys, for allowing all of this to be possible and allowing me to keep drawing what I love ^_^



You certainly deserve it! Though, I wouldn’t go through if I were you.... kinda hard to draw and upload from Hotel Vivian.


Congratulations on reaching the unobtainable goal!


Ur the most important artist in the Vore community karbo! Im so happy that U reached ur goal🤭


This is incredible congratulations! You worked your ass off for this and you should be super proud. Definitely looking forward to the future of this patreon.

Viktor Blomqvist

Congrats!! You are amazing 🥳❤️

Killbot 7783

*Gives head pats* When joining your patraon I thought that this day would come, and well it's good to see that it's here! You deserve it for taking this community this far. Congrats Karbo, maybe you can set the next goal to 10,000! ^~^

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

Holy hell that's one he'll of a breach. Just calling it a breach is an understatement. I think you might well be the highest earner now with those 30k usd a month. Holy smoly.


Does this mean you're going to relinquish your day job and work on your comic as you would a dayjob?



Hawk Eye



Congrats 🥳 it's certainly more than deserved since you give soooooo much back to your community as well with excellent quality drawings and quick, honest and friendly responses to your supporters😀😉 . Who knows maybe you'll even manage to crack the 10000 mark in a few years. Imagine how crazy that would be 🤯 .


You absolutely deserve all the support! I remember years ago when I first discovered your drawings and were making the Felarya series. It made me excited every time I saw you upload something and it still does. I even started drawing size art myself now and you are definitely a great inspiration. Keep up the awesome work!



Ignited Yam

Congratulations! Been following your art for quite some time and I feel happy I can support the artist behind it




Congratulations! That portal goes directly to a giantess uvula? :P




Thats great to hear! You're a darn good artist and its definitely well deserved!....though hopefully the portal leads somewhere safer than most of felarya...


Safest place of course, the minion's safe house.

Semiaccurate Joe

You've earned it! You are a helping hand in shaping the giantess community.


Number 1, I shouldn't need to tell you this but it is a bad idea to walk though that portal. On a serious note, what will change? I have been here since the beginning and I have been at several tiers based on what I could afford at the time. I had always wondered what this last goal would look like.

Scott Miller

Congratulations Karbo on reaching a well deserved milestone! ^_^


You certainly deserve it, Karbo! (And I'm excited for what some of these are going to be...)


Bravo ! C'est amplement mérité. Merci pour tout ton travail ^^


haha I wouldn't say that but thank you for the kind words :D


Very nice! Glad to hear your growth has reached quite a threshhold!


Congrats, Karbo!! Don't forget to send us postcards ! :-)


Congrats!! You’re the best vore artist I know, your success is well deserved.

Classical Salamander

Contratz Karbo! :D Your art is a reward all it's own.


Congratulations for this well deserved achievement!


Force à toi, frelot ! C'est mérité !


Congrats. You have certainly put in the hard work for this ^^


Hehe congrats! Just try not to be eaten the moment you step in :p (Or maybe they will see you as their creator and will bow down to you lol)


That essentially means more picture from me as i can take more distance with my real life job :3