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It's in the title ;3 

So after that hour I will make the journal on DA marking the opening of the commissions. 


At this point all commissions requests will have to be sent through notes on DA ( that's the only page I'm going to monitor closely )

Please note you have to have an idea ready , not just taking a spot for later !

Keep in mind also there are a lot of people who are awaiting for this so you might not get a spot even despite being quick : / .. it's going a lot to be down to luck , I'm sorry for that ^^;

See you in one hour ! appropriate music :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YvKB9Y6Zj4  XD



Good luck everyone.


23 pm :P???here we go!


Lets fuckin goooooooooo


you can see the details here : https://www.deviantart.com/karbo/journal/Commissions-234654275 ^^


Je suis prêt.


Welcome to Karbo's Battlegrounds. Where we droppin' bois?


all those poor fools =P

Scott Miller

Okay, I'm worried as I don't use DeviantArt and a little lost about how to use notes. I see notes on the top bar, but does a separate link we need to go to open when the time comes? If not, do I just submit to "Karbo" in the "To" section with my commission request at the top of the hour?


So in the notes, it's basically like writing an email. You just make sure the 'To' is to Karbo, and you fill out the message with your request.

Scott Miller

Thanks AngelicChaos so much! ^_^ I was confused if I was doing it right or not. So just wait until the clock strikes then hit send I guess?


*sent note in deviant* ere we go! ere we go! ere we go! WAAAGH!!!


Just sent the note! I really hope you see it!


How will we know if we got a spot?


Wow those commissions went by fast! Unfortunately I missed my chance x.x Can't wait to see what others put though!


Curses! Foiled again! Lol


I'm so sad I missed too :( I even sent it the second I saw it


I completely forgot lol. Here's hoping you do this again sometime.