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mark valere

wgy you removed it


Oh sweet, that first swallow not doing the trick is a nice touch :> Looking forward to that next page, a classic in the making!


I think this is turning out to be one of your best playing with prey scenes. The fish freaking out was a good touch. At least the adventurer won't be alone when she eventually swallowed X3 Defiantly excited for next page!


Poor girl, she has a digestive swirly coming next. This whole thing has been what a felaryan swirly consists of. I think most people would pick the toilet bowl.

David Dent

Oh that was very Caylin of Anko to do! XD She can be so cruel to her prey sometimes that little sadist. ^^;


A moment of silence for the poor fish who took on Anko and lost... You will be missed.


Awesome! Love this!


I love Anko so much. Everything about her is the best


Le sadisme d'une sirène ! XD


Hee hee Anko's just playing with her at this point


HOOOOOT DAMN :O !!!!! Anko really is the Ariel of Felarya. Extraordinary beautiful yet so incredible dangerous for humans with her playful/sadistic nature ^^; .


Anko is quite perfect for this type of scene really XP


oh yes Anko is a bit of a bully ^^ she's one big bad mermaid >:3


Ohh, I'm really loving this! Anko is such a naughty tease, but somehow I like her all the more for it. This also does a really great job of showing the contrast between the playful predator and the distress of the prey, which is an aspect I'm very fond of indeed. :3


I like the way how this goes <3 (Awesome inside view) - I'm looking forward to the next page <3 I'm really curious xD

Vixsune (ThatSlyFox)

Aww anko :/ dont bully the poor thing....she really likes to terrorize her prey....that gave me chills thinking about what its like being in her maw at that moment! Poor girl.


I like it a lot. However, I'm not sure the position of the breasts makes sense. Especially considering that in the next page they are hanging rather than resting on the chest.