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The flat coloring in progress of the monthly sketches :)

Don't you wish this had actually happened in One piece ? XD




So who are the two in the top right and bottom left panels?


I've been pretty pleased with how the whole wendy's girl craze has turned out. That pov is amazing


To be fair, Luffy would probably eat the whole fruit(?), get bloated, mistaken for a fruit and then eaten. XD

David Dent

I haven't gotten to that chapter yet in One Piece but I have long since heard of a giant mermaid cannon to the series. X3 That scene thur woulda been quuiiiite popular. Also adore Menny's risqué cos playing habbits continuing! ^^; Even if nobody told her that unless you are practicing sensory expansion then a blindfold isn't much help. =P That girl at the top right hand corner I dunno who or what she is but that is excellent coloring! :O Last but not least I find it interesting that the Wendy's mascot has been popular in vore as I've been eating allot there cause of the cheapness of the meals. ^_-


Bottom left is the mascot of Wendy's, who got turned into a global meme of sort XD In the top right is Garuda, a large harpy goddess you encounter in FF 14 :3


In the top right it's Garuda, a harpy goddess in FF14 ^^ As for Wendy's, well I never had the chance to eat at this place but the mascot has become crazy popular yeah XD


Ohhh, I like this set a lot! I very much like the design of the sexy giantess in the top right, and the bottom right is . . . Meny cosplaying as 2B? Brilliant! I think she may have discovered one of the hurdles of that particular costume though, hahaha! xD (I still need to get that game!)


That ought to be the next contest - a felaryan cosplay contest lol. Meny is the favored to win, but it'd be interesting to see what all the girls pick. Garuda... yea I could see her doing that if she were big enough. The one piece but... I was totally hoping that happened when I saw clips. Wendy is just hilarious


*HaHa* Menyssan looks awesomely cute in that 2B outfit. You can tell she didn't know that it contains a blindfold :D XD .


Is that Smug Wendy-Chan? Oh Hell, I love that she made it into this.

Vixsune (ThatSlyFox)

Felaryan cosplay contest sounds freaking awesome. Almost like the butt contest they had a few years ago.

Vixsune (ThatSlyFox)

Meny looks adorable! The exact expression if I wore that same costume. And wendy....didnt expect to see her here BUT she looking great. Seems a baconator didn't fill her....so it's your turn next :3 also harpies terrify me b/c of their talons for feet and no arms just wings but this harpy looking really sexy. The neko looks like they are shouting Insults lol and luffy...is always getting himself into trouble like this.....wonder how he got out of the mess with Crisis way back when lol


Shirahoshi would make an awesome predator, and she's just as cute prey, too. X3 Also, I think Wendy-chan is too over-played as a predator. As someone who serves good-quality food to customers, she should obviously be prey! XD Also, that silly Menyssan and her cosplaying. I'd love to see her in a Little Witch Academia outfit. :3

Enigmatic Jester

"You're thinking about how much you want to **** Menyssan, aren't you?"


Yo, the chili is where it's at whenever I go to Wendy's, it's like the burgers don't even matter. The Wendy drawing itself is also godlike. I couldn't refuse just waltzing in with an expression like that.


Very nice a varied bunch this month. Will say Menyssan cosplaying 2b, and seeing Smug Wendy Vore gave me a good laugh.

Kenshin Hikigane

Yes my thoughts exactly. That SHOULD have happened in one piece, potential was there even if comically played off. Man, missed opportunity, though i think i like your drawing style better for it anyway XD


Thank you ! I was giggling all the while drawing this one honestly XD


I guess ruffy is not too sad about that. I mean, endless food supply is g-u-a-r-a-n-t-e-e-d in her giantess stomach :3


I wondered how long it would be before someone asked you to draw Wendy.


honestly this wouldn't even have seemed too far off base I think :p


Yes! Wendy, you should definitely turn that into a full comic


Haha Crisis was pretty much vainquished already I think XD