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I just uploaded a new picture in the external gallery :)
It's the finished second page of Hibiki finding that tiny ( you ! ) on her way home. She now just lying in her room, relaxing while leisurely digesting her meal X3
It was a sketch upgrade for yamiasuna95 ^^  The picture can be found in the main gallery or in the NEW ! folder under the name "Hibikivore P2.jpg "
I hope you like it !  If you didn't receive the link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me ! 
Published: 2023-11
I just uploaded a new picture in the external gallery :)
It's a sketch upgrade in progress for Homer4hirez :3 ( yes lot of those lately ! )
The trio of adventurers were crossing the dangerous sprawling swamps. They were doing quite well until the moment where they were spotted by Elda who then strolled to their position and easily captured them. Now dangling above the centauress' large, eager open mouth, it seems the trio's journey is going to end inside the cavernous digestive system of  the giantess as her mid-day snack ! 
The picture can be found in the main gallery or in the NEW ! folder under the name "Eldavore WIP2.jpg "
I hope you like it !  If you didn't receive the link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me ! 
Published: 2023-11
I just uploaded a new picture in the external gallery :)
It's the last page in progress of that comic of Nami feeling naughty and deciding to make Boa Hancock her secret snack !  It's funny how that comic really started as a spur of the moment thing ^^ I just feel Nami has quite some potential as a predator, wanting to add some girls to her curves X3  The picture can be found in the main gallery or in the NEW ! folder under the name "Namivore P4 WIP2"
I hope you like it !  If you didn't receive the link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me ! 

Also I apologize, I have been slacking on the HD pictures and demos but I intend to change that quickly ! 

Published: 2024-01
I just uploaded two new pictures in the external gallery ^^ 

It's two long sketch pages of the Plum comic like promised ;3  I took those two pictures i did a while ago and made the whole scene in the same style, with the thought of the prey displayed at the moment, as she try to stay out of Plum's eager ( and busy ) digestive system with mixed results. it started with a burp, it ends with a burp ! 

It might be changed a bit in the final version with more panels added  ^^ 
The two pages can be found in the main gallery or in the NEW ! folder under the names "Plumtoss WIP"
I hope you like it !  If you didn't receive the link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me !
Published: 2022-02

I posted a new picture in the external gallery :)

It's the Arale page in flat color for vore day :3 I chose to post it in the external gallery since I added more text and more vorish details along the way. 
You can find the page in the main folder or the "New!" folder under the name araleday WIP1bp.jpg 
I also added the 5 pages of the rita comic in HD and large size in the HD gallery :3  
If you received this message but you didn't get the last link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me !
Published: 2021-07
I just uploaded new pictures in the external gallery ^^
It's the sketched pages 13 to 15  of the Subeta and Melany comic :)
Along with the page I'm going to add between 8 and 9 ( to make time elapse and add some more dialogues between the survivors )  it will make 16 in total ^^ 
And yes they will be fully colored in the end ;3 
Keep in mind at this stage it's in WIP and there are things subjects to change. For instance prey are pretty generic and undefined and the fairies have no wings ! ( i tend to always add them in separate layers ). It will be much more detailed in the coming flat colored version :3
The pages can be found in the main gallery or in the NEW ! folder under the name "Belly warp P13-16 WIP1"
On others news, I will be contributing to a Japanese book with various others vore authors. It will be the Rita comic (  of the Police elf squad member ) where she stops a car and its occupants for speeding up.  For  the occasion I pushed a bit more the pages than what they used to be. You can find their updated versions in both the main gallery and HD gallery :3 
I hope you like it !
If you didn't receive the link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me !
Published: 2022-08
I just uploaded a new picture in the external gallery ^^
It's the WIP sketch of a picture suggested by Derpaherp who came up with the idea of  a mini-giantess in the process of swallowing her prey with a nice mawshot. I thought it was a good occasion to show the "small" giant harpy again :D 
This time she caught a human who was initially hanging to a vine above and so she began to slurp her feet first instead and then started to swallow, in her determined and stubborn fashion X3 it took long minutes but eventually the woman lost her grip on the vines and from there it was only a matter of time before she was triumphantly gulped down as the small harpy's dinner !
The pages can be found in the main gallery or in the NEW ! folder under the name "Big gulp WIP1c.jpg"
I hope you like it !
If you didn't receive the link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me !
Published: 2022-08
I just changed the link and password to the external gallery :3   I sent you guys a group mail with the new keys. So please check your mail box ( including spam folders ) and keep the mail ! And if you didn't receive it ( which happens sometimes ), please don't hesitate to tell me and I'll sent it again :)
I also just uploaded a new picture in the external gallery ^^
It's the flat colored 4 first pages of the Subeta and Melany comic. A couple things changed, the tinies are going to be more recognizable from one page to another now and of course the text is all visible now :3
The pages can be found in the main gallery or in the NEW ! folder under the name "Bellywarp P1-4 WIP2.jpg"
I hope you like it !
Published: 2022-09
I just uploaded a new picture in the external gallery ^^
It's the finished picture of Ivery the "small" giant harpy finishing swallowing the human she decided to have as her meal ! She probably just arrived below the wine the girl was hanging on and just proceeded to slurp her where she stood, starting with her feet and continuing to stubbornly swallow more and more of her until, eventually, all of her meal was secured inside her digestive system X3 
It's honestly possible I decide to do a comic page showing just that in the future, the scenario is tempting XD 
The pages can be found in the main gallery or in the NEW ! folder under the name "Big gulp.jpg"
I hope you like it !
If you didn't receive the link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me !
Published: 2022-09
I just uploaded new pictures in the external gallery ^^
It's the page 5 to 8  of the Subeta and Melany comic in flat color :)
As you can see, the page 8 changed quite a bit. That's because page 9 is going to be a brand new page inserted in between 8 and old 9 ( basically I'll be conveying time elapsing with showing a bit of digestion instead of just changing the palette showing night falling X3 )
You can also notice that some characters who managed to escape have changed a bit in design compared to the 4 first pages ( I updated the page 1-4 to reflect those changes )
And of course all those pages will be fully shaded and refined in the end ;3 
The pages can be found in the main gallery or in the NEW ! folder under the name "Belly warp P5-8 WIP1b"
I hope you like it !

If you didn't receive the link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me !
Published: 2022-10
I just uploaded new pictures in the external gallery ^^
It's the pages 9 to 12 in flat color of the Subeta and Melany comic :)
Like you can see there is a new page that got added here for the time to elapse more smoothly ( and some digestion to take place too X3 ). So in the end it will be 16 pages long which seem about right for that story.
The pages can be found in the main gallery or in the NEW ! folder under the name "Bellywarp P9-12 WIP1b chang". 

I hope you like how it looks so far !  If you don't have the link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me :3
Published: 2022-11
I just uploaded new pictures in the external gallery ^^
It's the page 13 to 16  of the Subeta and Melany comic in flat color :)
Now we officially know why Subby prefer to not use her belly warp XP
Next, the pages are going to be fully shaded ;3

The pages can be found in the main gallery or in the NEW ! folder under the name "Belly warp P13-16 WIP1b chang.Jpg"
I hope you like it !

If you didn't receive the link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me !
Published: 2022-12
I just uploaded a new picture in the external gallery :3

It's the WIP of a sketch upgrade from a recent monthly sketches done for Christopher S with an upgrade requested by JohnboyX ^^  It's one of these time where VIvian just feel really ravenous, drop the charm and the teasing and just decide to gorge herself !
She's barely doing anything here, just letting her hungry throat gulp down the tiny, squirming treats falling in X3
Gulp, Gulp Gulp
The pages can be found in the main gallery or in the NEW ! folder under the name "Vivian slidegulp WIP1b.Jpg"
I hope you like it !
If you didn't receive the link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me !
Published: 2023-01

I just uploaded a new picture in the external gallery ^^ 
It's the finished and colorized slug page :3  I can say it's almost sure I'll do a follow up of it ;D  It's just very tempting to represent the stuck prey with slurping sounds, big, satisfied gulps and gurgles coming from behind her, and then her being picked up and a wide open, huge, and (very ) salivating mouth presenting itself to her X3

It was a suggestion by Ben S. The picture can be found in the main gallery or in the NEW ! folder under the name "slugcatch.jpg"

I hope you like it !  If you didn't receive the link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me !
Published: 2022-01
I just uploaded two new pictures in the external gallery :3

It's the two pages of the Plum sequences colored  ( but not totally finished )
One burp at the start, one at the end and in between a tiny trying her best to not end the day inside Plum's eager digestive system with her companions X3

The two pages can be found in the main gallery or in the NEW ! folder under the names "Plumtoss WIP"
I hope you like it !  
And If you didn't receive the link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me !
Published: 2022-03
I just uploaded two new pictures in the external gallery ^^
It's the Plum sequence finished :) 

I wanted to show her favorite way of eating her prey, that is, flinging them in the air, and wait for them to come down in her wide, eager open mouth before gulping them down enthusiastically ! The girl hiding obviously witnessed that and tried to avoid joining her companions inside Plum's stomach buut she went through the Plum's special regardless X3
I might do a sequence with another of the harpy's tactic, that is vacuuming prey hiding in holes at some points ^^  But the next comic I do is going to be the Subeta one ;3 
The two pages can be found in the main gallery or in the NEW ! folder under the names "Plumtoss P1 & 2"
I hope you like it !  
And If you didn't receive the link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me !
Published: 2022-04
I just uploaded a new pictures in the external gallery ^^
It's the sketched 4 first pages of the Subeta comic :)
Just Subby and Melany having a fun time together and a copious meal on the way. But some tinies seem firmly decided to not be part of it ! 
In the end i think I'm going to go for 10 or 12 pages. And if you were wondering ,yes there will be internals and digestion ;3
The pages can be found in the main gallery or in the NEW ! "Belly warp P1-4 WIP1"
I hope you like it !  
And If you didn't receive the link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me !
Published: 2022-05
I just uploaded a new pictures in the external gallery ^^
It's the sketched pages 5 to 8  of the Subeta comic :)
The meal continues between the two fairies and the number of tinies trapped between Melany's legs start to diminish at an alarming rate ! But some of them stubbornly refuse to be part of their meal. What to do...

The pages can be found in the main gallery or in the NEW ! folder under the name "Belly warp P5-8 WIP1"
Keep in mind that at this stage many prey are just placeholders and not very detailed and some elements are lacking ( such as the fairies' wings ). It will be more defined during the flat coloring ^^ 

I hope you like it !
If you didn't receive the link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me !
Published: 2022-05
I just uploaded a new picture in the external gallery ^^
It's the sketched pages 9 to 12  of the Subeta and Melany comic :)

So this one took longer than I expected because.. well I ended up partially redoing it  ^^;
For instance the pages were originally a back and forth between internal and external scenes and it ended up making the whole thing a bit too choppy. So I gathered more those scenes together and I think the flow is much better now. However page 9 has become a bit charged with panels as a result and it's possible I take the time-elapsing moment of page 8 and some of that page 9 and put them together to create a whole new page for better readability purpose.  
I hope you like the result ;3   It's not finished, There is two, probably 3 more pages in which we'll see more thoughts from Melany about that awesome ability from her friend and also.. digestion X3
The pages can be found in the main gallery or in the NEW ! folder under the name "Belly warp P9-12 WIP1"
Again, please keep in mind that at this stage many prey are just placeholders and not very detailed and some elements are lacking ( such as the fairies' wings ). It will be more defined during the flat coloring ^^ 
I hope you like it !
If you didn't receive the link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me !
Also the Plum comic is in the HD gallery if you are subscribed to that tier :3 ( Actually it was here already but I realized I forgot to give you guys proper notification ^^;
Published: 2022-06
I posted a new picture in the external gallery :)
It's the Arale page now shaded and finished. It's going to be my picture for vore day and a good spotlight for Arale too I believe. At least she ate well that day ;3
You can find the page in the main folder or the "New!" folder under the name araleday.jpg 
If you received this message but you didn't get the last link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me !
Published: 2021-08
I posted new stuff in the external gallery :)
It's the finished sequence of Blackhole-chan swallowing the sun ;3 Try visualizing her size if you take the sun's size as comparison !  I believe those nipples alone would dwarf our tiny planet and it could probably travel her esophagus without even touching the walls ! Maybe in a couple eons she'll feel like gobbling Aldebaran or Rigel. Antares might take some time though XD
You can find the sequence in the main folder or the "New!" folder under the name BlackholechanvoreSun.jpeg . I hope you like it :)

If you received this message but you didn't get the last link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me !
Published: 2021-10
I posted new stuff in the external gallery :)
It's the short Crisis comic I mentioned. I wanted to show some prey struggling fiercely inside her stomach, not at all ready to accept their new role as her snack and the contrast with the rather mild reaction they're creating on the outside X3
This has always be a scenario I love a lot in vore ;D 

You can find the sequence in the main folder or the "New!" folder under the name stomach disturbance WIP1..jpeg . I hope you like it !
I also added a couple of HD pictures and comics to the HD gallery ;3

If you received this message but you didn't get the last link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me !
Published: 2021-10
I posted new stuff in the external gallery :) 

 It's Crisis and her turbulent passengers in flat color ;3
Who are they, what were they doing ? we don't know buuut despite their best efforts, it seems they're not going anywhere except further down inside Crisis' eager digestive system X3

You can find the sequence in the main folder or the "New!" folder under the name stomach disturbance WIP2.jpeg . I hope you like it !
If you received this message but you didn't get the last link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me !

On others news I have been having some rather annoying technical troubles with my drawing tablet unfortunately..  It seems after all those years it might be time to switch to a new one ^^; At this point it doesn't prevent me from drawing, not yet anyway, but it could get worse.. Hopefully it's not going to make any difference for you guys and the transition between the two is going to be smooth and un-noticeable but just a head up just in case !
Published: 2021-11
I posted new stuff in the external gallery :) 
it's the finished page of Crisis.The idea was to show the contrast between the adventurers struggling madly inside her stomach and her lying very relaxed and just leisurely digesting them with  hardly a reaction from her besides a small burp X3 And also to drawi Crisis too of course which is always a joy ;3
You can find the sequence in the main folder or the "New!" folder under the name stomach disturbance.jpeg . I hope you like it ! A comic with Plum will be next and then Subeta ( this one is going to be several pages long )

If you received this message but you didn't get the last link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me !

On others news I managed to re-calibrate my setting more or less as it was before I changed my tablet so from now on you should see no difference at all !
Published: 2021-12
Hello !

I just sent you guys a mail with the new link and code for the external gallery. Please keep it  :3

Normally if you can see this message you should have received the mail as well ( don't forger to check your spam folder as sometimes it ends here unfortunately )
If it's not the case and you didn't receive anything, don't hesitate to tell me ! 
Published: 2022-01

I just uploaded a new picture in the external gallery ^^ 
It's a simple WIP sketch for now for a suggestion by Ben S.of a slug girl using her sticky saliva to catch a prey X3 The sketch can be found in the main gallery or in the NEW ! folder under the name "slugcatch WIP1.jpg"

I like slug girl preds quite a bit in vore as they allow for a lot of anticipation with the prey being pinned in place and the slug girl just slowly, slowly approaching ! In that present case that woman is going to hear quite a lot of slurping and gulping noises and hums of satisfaction coming from behind her before it's her turn to be picked X3

If you didn't receive the link to the external gallery, please don't hesitate to tell me !
Published: 2022-01