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Hi everyone!

You may have noticed that the version number of Peasant's Quest is nearing 1.0. And several people have been asking me if the game is nearing it's final release.

The short answer is: NO :-)

Long answer: When I started working on Peasant's Quest I had no experience at game development and just wanted to create a simple RPG to test a few game concepts. It was just intended to be centred around the village and a map or two. I didn't expect to create more than half a dozen, or so, updates before finishing the game. But one thing lead to another, and with the positive feedback I got from you, I just kept going.

The numbering system never took into account a large number of updates. So I'll likely start a new numbering system with the next release. Truth is, I fear I'm not even half way through all the stories yet. So I guess you'll have to suffer through these updates for many month's to come.

Thank you all for your support! This game would never have gotten this far without you!



Is there any chance you could construct some sort of brief guide or walkthrough for each path of the game? I still have no idea how to trigger Beth's sex route, the second Witch mission, the puppies for Mia or the Dark Elf rat killing quest. A clear guide would help a lot!


I don't mind in the least!


The only guide I've got is up until v0.61. This is made by a fan, and surprisingly accurate, considering he made it just by playing the game. <a href="https://mega.nz/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://mega.nz/</a>#!ExMySTjJ!_bn_7UMNTs1wJDVperLkUgZkHgQXic-cGGAfq4DkWWs

Shark Tooth

I think it's a nice game. I'm only guessing, but looking at some of the events and characters, it seems like you are having as much fun making the game, as we have playing said game. There are probably also some headaches programming here and there... there always are. Anyways, thank you for the clarification and thank you for making the game. Best regards.


Yeah, I try to keep things a bit whimsical. Especially when it comes to the main character. I don't want him to be your typical, perfect hero type.


hurray for horse girl !


can the card that we stole for Ziva be opened to be in the future in the game?


Ah, you are thinking about the map from the mayors house. Yes, the plan was to have a real map the player could use. But it's been rather neglected. Good of you to remind me:-)


Where is Gabriel supposed to be because I can not find him?


I hope to see mia again soon. BTW the way you save girls makes me laugh so hard ! We wait for the ''right'' moment , we make excuses while peeping in the keyhole loll. Thats the kind of hero we need haha


Gabriel takes a day or two to return (depends if he leaves you at night, or during the day). Once you see the guards at the temple, Gabriel has returned. But he will only be in the courtyard during the day time.


Yeah, he isn't your typical white night....more greyish, with a few stains:-)