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Each month, we’ll revisit a (Patron-voted) old series of choice to make a brand new sequel for it. This month it’s time to find ancient scriptures within The Great Library!

Here’s the fifth part.

Somehow, an unusual side route in The Great Library sparks your interest. You skip the public masses and follow an empty, narrow corridor that leads to a traditional Cherrywood door. When you open it, smoke and dust fills the air. You cough up a storm as the door must’ve not been opened for years! The dust slowly clears, revealing an atmospheric forgotten archive.
The moment you step into the hall, dimly lit torches magically light up the surrounding corridor. You instantly look up, feasting your eyes to thousands of towering books that just endlessly stack into the immeasurable dark ceiling. Wild moss and greenery elegantly climb up the wooden pillars… as if intended. The sight is pure and gives you a sense of calm. It’s almost as if this magical room called for you and guided you to it.
You step into the middle of the plateau, now truly surrounded by each and every bookcase. The candles flicker and a faint blue residue lights up the ornate floor pattern for a short while. A single book somewhere high above has that same faint glimmer, and then floats itself down to softly land itself on one of the stone reading slabs in front of you. It’s the exact book you seek.

~ We’re hoping you enjoy these maps as much as we like making them. Stay tuned for part six later this month!



Heiner de Wendt

This is absolutely beautiful! Just love your style!


gorgeous. the perspective and effort with the lighting adds a lot of immersion