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Each month, we’ll revisit a (Patron-voted) old series of choice to make a brand new sequel for it. This month it’s time to find ancient scriptures within The Great Library!

Here’s the fourth part.

"Patreon post here"

From the cold marble floors and the towering bookshelves to the tasteful statues of famous scholars, every inch of The Great Library carries the vestige of its grandeur. The halls speak of multifariousness; on one end  “Monumental Discoveries about the Astral Plane,” a profoundly written book from planar adventurer John Smith, and on the other “Fantastical Stars and How To Perceive Them” by heir of the Starseeker family, Jane. Their mutuality was in their study of ‘Astrology and That Which Transcends Our Plane of Existence.’ The long and visionary title this hall adheres to and a true mouthful.
The study was often quiet, with a squeak or an occasional resounding “what!?” and “really?” from commonplace “confusionists.” A term created by the librarian to specify those who are… well, utterly confused. Not all too strange considering the mystifying contents some of these books bear.
But hey, the library has something for everyone! So even confusionists could drop their current read and take a glance through Grace’s “Plain & Planar For Those of Lesser Minds.” Despite its awfully offensive name, it’s actually quite a good read if I say so myself. ~Former Confusionist.

~ We’re hoping you enjoy these maps as much as we like making them. Stay tuned for part five later this month!

