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Hello everyone! This year we want to look back at all of our content and make prequels/sequels of Patron-voted series. This means that instead of just doing entirely new series, we’ll revisit your favorite Eightfold Paper locations and make fresh new content for it.

We held a poll last month to decide the content for February and March. The series with the highest vote will return this month with fresh new content! The winner: The Great Library. We could really use your help for this series as we have no idea what to do just yet! Please let us know in the comments below what sort of maps you would like.

Next month is still up in the air. Currently, FeyWild’s Enchanted Woods is in the lead. Make sure to get your vote out there (if not already) and let us know what you think would be a great series to visit in March right here.

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Happy adventuring,

Alan & Liam.


Dan Gragert

For me, I have a "lost civilization" in my world, and having a more ruinious (like instead of the nice checker tiles, rotted wood and/or mossy stone flooring for a start), ancient looking one, would be stellar. A place for "forgotten knowledge." My players also really restoring places like this, so it would be a really cool thing for them to try that. Maybe a room for a large encounter, optional centerpiece (not so it can be destroyed mid-fight or anything i promise). But that's my 2c. ;) Love your work, folks.

Count Orlok

In Detroit, there was a ruined warehouse for school books that was abandoned. Eventually, a tree started growing up out of this rotting, waterlogged mound of books. That might be a compelling image for a ruined version of the Great Library.


I would love to see a map from the inside of one of the books inside this library. Maybe some evil wizard traps our heroes inside it, or the party could get really close to the research. I think that would make for lots of fun encounters!

Count Orlok

Every Great Library needs a Forbidden Books section. Big tomes chained to lecterns (like they did in the Middle Ages), and maybe a forbidding vault door. The light is kept dim except in a few designated reading areas, so people don’t read anything by accident and learn That Which Man Was Not Meant to Know. Also, there are lots of rolling ladders to reach dizzyingly-high shelves.


Would love a fantastic library/study in a noble estate or castle. Or maybe a forgotten library in a ruin!


How about a map from the rafters? Hunchback of Notre Dame style


Agreed re: ruins! My players are currently exploring ancient ruins in which the best preserved areas are underground libraries which, being full of magic and ancient lore, are better preserved than most areas... But nonetheless still a little ruined ;) Some ideas in that arena: collapsed shelves or furniture that wasn't magical; crumbling walls or difficult terrain where halls fell in, or sink holes formed; regions where dark things took up residence in the intervening centuries; arcane laboratories or study rooms; locked forbidden research areas; guardians of the great library like sleeping golems or statues or paintings that come to life when they sense trespassers; teleportation rooms?


Maybe a nice man-made garden/park inside the library that people can sit in and read? With an open roof area?