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Our Magic Item Cards are objects you can find in our world, usually accompanying the series we tackle that month. This might help you visualize the world and its creations better: add items for effects on your players, simply add them to your treasure box for flavor or use them as a quest item.

Without further ado, this month's exclusive Item Cards for all "The First Scouts", "First Class Ranger", "Undaunted Pioneer", “Grand Archivist” and “Master Chronicler” supporters, here to accompany you and your companions on your epic tales:


$2+ Rewards

[The First Scouts] [First Class Ranger] [Undaunted Pioneer] & [Grand Archivist] [Master Chronicler]

  • Deluminator
    Wondrous Item | Uncommon | Requires No Attunement
“Nothing’s as scary as walking down empty cold hallways at nighttime. The doors creak, howling winds enter through the cracks of the stone walls, and rats scurry around from within the shadows. The Deluminator solves the issue of not seeing in the dark, as whenever activated can reignite previously extinguished light. What you reveal from the darkness, however, is at your own risk”
This magic device has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.
While holding the device, you can use an action to expend 1 charge to absorb all light sources within a 60 feet radius. The light is stored for 1 day until the absorbed light exhausts and disappears.
Once light is stored in this magic device, while holding the device, you can use an action to expend 1 charge to ignite previously extinguished light sources.

  • Map of Tracking
    Wondrous Item | Uncommon | Requires No Attunement
“A hunter who knew the forest like the back of his hand hunted wild creatures for their meat and fur. The Map of Tracking, which he bought off the black market, made hunting for prey easier than ever before. It indicates the live location of any creature within the user’s vicinity. Unfortunately, it doesn’t differentiate between prey or predator. It is said that he met his untimely demise as prey to a bigger fish.”
This magic map has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.
While holding the map, you can use an action to expend 1 charge to *Track Area.
Track Area: For the span of 1 hour, your surroundings within a 100 feet radius are blueprinted onto the map. Only what you’ve seen before is blueprinted and areas yet to be discovered are left invisible on the parchment. Any living creature within the blueprint remains dynamically shown on the map with its exact location.

  • Sorcerer’s Sword
    Weapon (Shortsword) | Very Rare | Requires Attunement
“A once powerful sorcerer sought to perfect his class. There was little he could do to increase his battle prowess. He tried everything, from swords to greatswords and all well between. Alas it was to no avail. His endless curiosity drove him to try the shortsword. It’s similar enough to known daggers, but sizable like a sword. He committed many taboos, but for he who’s a trailblazer, it didn’t feel unorthodox. Then, one day, the Griffon-adorned shortsword truly became his own.”
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
*Sorcerer’s Proficiency: When wielded by a sorcerer, the sorcerer will always be considered proficient with this magic weapon.
*Deflect Spell: When a creature casts a spell on you, you can attempt to deflect the spell back to the caster as a reaction. If the spell is of 2nd level or lower, the spell is deflected back. If the spell is 3rd level or higher, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a success, the caster’s spell is deflected back at its full effect.

€5+ Rewards

[Grand Archivist] [Master Chronicler]

  • The Great Pillowski
    Wondrous Item  | Legendary | Requires Attunement
“The Great Pillowski is freakishly scary and craves attention excessively. This pillow with a sentience can be a soft companion for the night or a complete horror that wakes you up in a cold sweat. Loyal to a fault, this pillow is stuffed with love and whether its owner is ‘good’ or ‘bad’... well, that is of no concern to our fluffed friend.”
This magic device has 1 charge. You can use an action to cast *Dreameater or expend 1 charge to cast *Dreamzone.
Dreamzone: Target anything within 60 feet. This spell sends all creatures within 20 feet of the target into a magical slumber (Unconscious) for 1 minute.
Dreameater: The creature must be asleep (Unconscious) for this spell to be cast. The magical pillow lunges at a targeted creature within 60 feet range and forcefully inserts its shadowy tentacles into its brain. The target takes 1d8 Psychic damage. If the creature is Unconscious due to *Dreamzone, the target takes an extra 3d8 damage. After successfully eating the dream, the affected creature wakes up abruptly and in shock.


  • Formats: JPG (Print ready)
  • Sizes: A6, Postcard (4x6”)
  • Variations: With text, Without category, Without text, 5e Mechanics, Transparent

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