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We hold a poll every month to decide from the top three suggestions on what map series to create next. We hope you have your entry tickets at the ready! Since this month, thanks to Chris C's suggestion, we’ll be exploring the wondrous depths of “Magical Museum / Planetarium / Zoo”

We absolutely love the idea and will put forward our best effort to make it one, epic, cohesive whole. It’s going to be a three-part map series that will have you go through three separate sections of the museum! Whether it’s magical objects, the planetarium or magical creatures-- there’s magic at the museum!

We hope you haven't forgotten! Pun intended. After reaching our goal, we’ve been hard at work on free new variations for ‘The Forgotten Temple of Nine Eyes’ and are still busy with it in-between all other Patreon work. It’s looking really promising! Expect the variation to be out later this month or by next month at the latest.

As always, next month we’ll have another three-part map series! Be sure to let us know what would be cool to explore next. We could also use your ideas for what Item Cards would fit this month’s theme.

  • What three-part map series would you like to see next month?

Let us know!

  • What Item Cards do you think would fit this month’s theme?

Let us know!

If you haven’t already, but really want to support us on other platforms to increase our reach, be sure to check out our subreddit r/EightfoldPaper.

We’ll also be slowly but steadily adding content we’ve shared on Reddit over on Pinterest. Be sure to check it out at pinterest.com/eightfoldpaper

Happy adventuring,
Alan & Liam.



Underdark ! underdark ! and let's make it a collab haha

Kitsune Kohl

A hall of mirrors would be VERY cool for this theme. Each could be a portal, or reflect something different


Sounds like a pretty cool idea! Who knows, we might try it out or do something with this in a variation. ;)