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Forest - Ruins

"The small arching entrance on the east side makes it difficult for large mobs to enter while the north and the west side are large enough to accommodate just about anything. There are still some pillars left standing which could provide some cover. The terrain is uneven and rugged and the forest has come to reclaim it with patches of grass seeping through. The south wall is still intact. Could there be more behind the wall or was it simply spared the test of time?These ruins are situated in a long forgotten forest. They used to serve as a safe haven between three important roads until they were overrun. Now they are only traversed by the inhabitants of the forest and those unlucky enough to stumble upon it." 

What kind of encounter have you planned for your adventurers?

  • Grid size:   30x17    
  • Formats:   JPG (9000x5100 pixels, 300DPI)   
  • Variations:   Original, Midnight, Autumn, Rain 


Forest - Castle Ruins 

"Broken ruins situated deep in the forest or maybe just outside of town. Many secrets waiting to be unfolded under the ruins, while the ground level allows for sinister rituals and epic confrontations. This map features a large open central area with eight stone pillars, a stone platform on the south and a staircase entrance to the basement." 

What kind of big baddies do you have in store for your next campaign?

  • Grid size:   31x19    
  • Formats:   JPG (9300x5700 pixels, 300DPI)   
  • Variations:   A,B,C,D,E


Forest - Pathway

"A stone floored clearing in the forest near a split road with fallen trees slightly blocking the path, surely this wouldn’t be a problem unless you were traveling by caravan of course. One must also wonder whether the huge slab of sleek stone has come to be in natural ways or has been man-made." 

Either way it would make for a perfect camping spot don’t you think?

  • Grid size:   31x19    
  • Formats:   JPG (8400x4500 pixels, 300DPI)   
  • Variations:   Original, Midnight, Autumn, Overcast 


Forest - Mountain Bridge

"A forestry road between two towns with a sturdy bridge alongside a grand waterfall. Perhaps your adventures capture a glimpse of something shimmering behind the wall of falling water or who knows what kind of other surprises are lurking under the bridge itself. Alternatively the sturdy looking bridge might not be as sturdy as it seems. Luckily there are some rocks to hold unto before being taken all the way up the river stream."

How would you use this map to challenge your players?

  • Grid size:   29x17    
  • Formats:   JPG (8700x5100 pixels, 300DPI)   
  • Variations:     Original, Midnight, Autumn, Overcast 


Forest - The Gated Bridge

"The Gated Bridge features a bridge spanning from hill to hill above a blue, gorging river. One side is heavily fortified with thick walls and a metal gate. The other side is left untouched apart from a small road. When needed the walls can be manned by guards and the bridge itself can be bottle necked with various obstacles."

Will you be able to make it past the gate?

  • Grid size:   20x35   
  • Formats:   JPG (6000x10500 pixels, 300DPI)  
  • Variations:    Orignal, Midnight, Stronghold, Stronghold Night 


Forest - The Village

"The forest village is a small, bustling settlement located right below the mountains. It serves as a crossroad for adventurers who wish to gear up and climb the mountains! The village hosts many useful stops, with a potion shop, weapon store, tavern, and inn popular amongst travelers. There are also several other merchants, as well as characters with vital information for players, to be found."

  • Grid size:   42x33   
  • Formats:   JPG (12600x9900 pixels, 300DPI) 
  • Variations:   Original, Midnight, Autumn, Abandoned



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