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So, I made the new tier for the price increase as I mentioned before.

There seems to be issues though as everyone who joins it either unsubs immediately or upgrades to the tier above. And while I normally wouldn't be complaining about people giving me extra money, it clearly is not normal. So I tried to view the page as a member of that tier.

The key word is tried, because the tier literally does not even show up as an option for me to view as. I have now contacted patreon support and hopefully I'll get this resolved soon.

If you were one of the guys that upgraded because of this issue, send me a message and we can sort something out to make it fair.

Video progress

So, helltaker is cursed. The art is bad. I really can't do it. Erm, so Halloween is dead this year.

I will be starting a thing where I just give money back to people who funded videos I don't want to make. It's erm, not ideal but I really can't make myself release mediocre content. And anything I don't want to make will be mediocre.

I have however pretty much completed another video instead for you all. It's a video you won't have seen coming because I didn't know I wanted to make it until like...4 days ago and then I got inspired and hammered it out.

There will actually be two videos this month, one patreon and one not.

However, for BOTH I want to make sure that this patreon role thing is handled first before releasing them. As tempting as it is to require people to pay $25 for the video I think that's a bit unfair lmao.

But what are these videos?

Patreon - Kafka evaluates you.

You're one of a number of guys that are invited to impress Kafka. If you fail to meet her high standards you'll start to find parts of her become more...pixellated. That's right, if you fail her then you'll lose the right to see and use parts of her body. Will there be anything left for you by the time she's done judging?

Public - Ahri OG GB - Remastered and remixed

Seeing this video rated so highly gave me this idea. People love this video...so how about a modern coat of paint.  Update the beat sound, add some sexy moaning and better panning.

But...why stop there? The best part of these videos is the surprise and anticipation. And most people know by now which number you don't want. Well...how about I switch the numbers up? Well, that's still not enough as those who really know the video can tell the ending from earlier actions.

So...what if I also add in some extra scenes, change event order and change a endings?

Should be the perfect combination of keeping the feeling of the original with the surprise of a new video.

This is more work than you probably think it is, so pls don't accuse me of being lazy for the public video tyty.

Doggo of the week

A bit late on this one but I've ran out of doggos to post.

He is the bestest boy though.


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