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So, a while back I hosted a survey here asking for your thoughts on all my videos. It's taken a while to get to due to me being very busy getting the BB door video done, and it being a pain to export the data due to the format. But it is now done.

But first

A quick update on the next video

I am doing a succubus/helltaker video for halloween. It may or may not be done in time. I really can't say at the moment. You know how my predictions are always off anyway so might be better this way. There's a lot to do, but "generic" theme easier are quicker to make.

Reminder about price

In 3 days I will be unpublishing the exclusive content tier. People in it can stay subscribed. It will be replaced with a tier at $15 with the same rewards.

Video poll stuff

So I'll be posting the raw data below, but first I want to make some observations on what the data shows. However, before even that...this is a sample size of just under 80 people and absolutely no effort was taken to stop multiple entries from the same person beyond what google offers automatically (Which I doubt is too effective). So I have no idea how reliable the data is, but it does show some trends.

So, observations...

1: You guys do not know the meaning of the word favourite. Out of the 74 entries, the "this is my favourite JOI" option was selected...304 times.  Guys come on.

2: Videos not on Pornhub seemed to drop out of people's memories entirely. This was posted a few months back before I pushed more attention onto database, so this may be slightly different now. But you know, the Konosuba video? The one that broke 1 million views on PH before they killed it? 39/74 claimed to have not seen it or didn't remember it, putting it as the 16th least watched/remembered video. All the ones below it were either other database exclusives or very niche (Eg, BB vibrator/the video for women)

3: The most seen/remembered...aren't just my newest videos. I honestly expected ultimate gangbang/genshin gangbang to top these and they place high but...not at the top like expected. Weirdly, the old Ahri gangbang video was more watched (and more liked) than the one in ultimate gangbang. This genuinely makes me question the results a bit, not going to lie.


For these, I devised a simple ranking system. Hating a video is -2, disliking is -1, neutral is 0, liking is +1 and loving/"favourite" is +2.

Most disliked

Like everything else in my life, let's start with the negative. For here I am simply looking at the most minus points a video got. Not Liked - disliked. There's obviously a correlation between the two but there's notable differences.

5th: With a score of -20, it's the Beta test. Censors, comedic text to speech and the content in part 3 all give people a reason to dislike it, finding itself here.

4th: Also on -20, it's the really bad 2 minute Asuka commission I was given. Idk what to say here, not much I can do with 2 minutes.

3rd: At -22, it's the BB 90 second video. Initially surprised to see it lower than Asuka, but it does make some sense. The logic of hating short videos still applies, and a lot more people watched this video, leading to more dislikes.

2nd: St Louis, cucked perspective. Not really much to say here. A lot of people don't like getting cucked. But the weird thing is that you guys still watched it...

1st: Aaaaand at the top of the most disliked...this wait...this can't be right? It's...Sans Undertale???? I don't know what you guys were smoking to place this so badly. Maybe the results are totally invalid.

Worst overall rated

Sticking with the negative, let's add the likes into the rankings and see how that affects things shall we?

5th/6th/7th worst: We have a three way tie to start things off. All on +1, so not universally hated. We have

Saber and Iri women version. True, this video was just terrible.

PADORU PADORU. The music, oh god the music. I should have had a version with more sane music.

The beta test. Consistent here, two 5th for it. Honestly sliiiightly surprised to still see this here, but yeah, I understand it.

4th: At -1, it's QFHQ NLMPRZ. Now most of you are going to be "what the fuck is that". I know this because out of the 74 entrants, this was the least viewed with just 10 people. If you know, you know.

This always meant the score was going to be low, but veryyy surprised to see this here. But when you're at such a low sample size who saw it, it's hard to take much from it I guess.

3rd: Totallyyyyy unrelated to the previous entry, at -3 it's Doki Doki Literature club. Again, relatively low sample size at only 24 seen it. But this one is more understandable. If you don't get this video it's terrible. And considering one of my viewers once thought I was putting Sans in all my videos, this might be a bit above some of your heads.

2nd: The bad Asuka video returns at -7.  This is totally fair.

And for the very worst video chosen by you....

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's fucking Sans again. Do you have any idea how much effort was put into that masterpiece. Smh.

So, notably St louis/Bb 90 second quite comfortably escaping the bottom 5. As expected of divisive concepts that are not executed badly.

The top 10 videos!!!!

I won't be doing separate categories for most liked/overall as they correlate much more.

10th: Starting at 76 points, we have the recent release of Bunnygirl Casino! It's a good video. This makes sense. Interestingly this is one off the few with ZERO dislike points.

9th: Okay this is technically a tie at 76 points, but oh well. BB gets priority. It's BB impossible challenge! Was probably my favourite video back when it was released so glad to see it still regarded highly.

8th: Quite a jump to 81 points...and best girl is back! BB ending to the ultimate gangbang. Honestly wasn't overly happy with this as I frankly ran out of ways to punish people, so a few endings in it felt weak. But it definitely has some very good parts in it so this rating feels good.

7th/6th/5th/4th: We have a 4 way tie at 83 points. In no real order...

Impossible succubus quest. Minor spoilers here, but this is the only video in the top 10 that does contain an element of chance in it. I guess that speaks for the pure quality that is this video and glad to see it here.

Next is Prinz ending for the ultimate gangbang. The first gangbang to make this list, I am sure that won't change dramatically soon. (Let's be honest, the BB one is more group torture than a gangbang).

We also have...the Ishtar/Eresh gangbang. Okay, now this one is a bit questionable in my opinion. This video feels a lot more flawed than others making this top 10. It is interesting to see it here.

And we allsoooo have the ultimate gangbang, Ahri ending. Other than my BB door video (which was not out at the time of survey) I felt this was my best work for sure. Obviously it was still rated highly, but still expected higher ngl. Definitely feels notably better than Ishtar/eresh. I don't know what to take from this rating other than my view doesn't line up exactly with my viewers.

3rd: Another notable jump to 88 points, and oh what's that? It's another gangbang? Yes, Ahri is here again with the OG gangbang that started the entire subgenre. Again I feel having this over ultimate gangbang ahri is weird but, maybe being the first helps to explain that. It's still a good video for sure.

2nd: Remember when I said succubus quest was the only one without chance in the top 10? Well, I LIED. What you gonna do? In 2nd we have....Prinz judges your cock. I am, very surprised here. I talked before about these maybe not being reliable results and this is the standout odd result. On PH it sits at 86% rating which isn't outstanding and idk. The two prinz videos also both received the highest amount of favourites. A lot of Prinz fabboys took this survey (hopefully nothing more malicious)

1st: The top result is quite frankly astounding. Not because of what the video is, but by just how much it won. So far a big jump is +5 in rating. So how does a +10 jump over 2nd sound? Well...it's even more than that.

Going from 91, all the way to 103...we have the highest rated.

Fate/Grand casino.

Now, I wouldn't have predicted this going into it, but it definitely makes sense. If there's one thing that's obvious from this, is that chance related videos are very much liked. Like the bunnygirl casino, it also got 0 dislike points. So you guys also seem to really like bunnygirls. I also definitely have a lot of fate fans who watch my video due to the sheer number of fate vids I make.

Aaaaaaaaaaand, that wraps things up. Thank you for coming to my tedtalk.

Sheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bTnJBEP0ve_fuVCGISvf5d_IEJE2vmEqaD9CdwTf-Kk/edit?usp=sharing

Last note for any other creators reading these. As these votes were from my patrons it self selects for people who like my content. If you ask your own fans you will probably get very different preferences.

Doggo of the week


Good boy does parkour.



To add to your point about chance, I think chance JOI's are so loved because they feel more personalised. Like everyone watching gets a slightly different version of the same video depending on their choices/luck etc. Can't speak for others obviously but that's why I enjoy them.