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Heyhey guys.

So I was trying to write this video (which was an idea I came up with a week ago when writing genshin videos), and while writing that video I came up with two very good other ideas that I want to make.

I also realised that I fucking suck at writing the generic filler content that a lot of videos need....my brain just gets stuck. Everything I put down just seems awful (because generic) and I sit at a screen for an hour.

So...so many ideas and I suck at writing. Why don't I just get somebody else to do most the writing???

So Partdepressionwarrior/PDW/VanillaJOI (same person) will now officially be helping me with my videos. He has already shown he can make his own videos, and after working with him for a while I'm sure that there will be no trouble having him help with mine.

If you're a fan of my videos, it's probably primarily for the creative ideas and the relativellyy high quality consistency. So don't worry, I will still be doing most the work including. Video concept/image searching/arranging the images on a timeline and providing him with the dialogue outline for each image.

Video progress

Considering I decided to make a 50+ minute video with 12 days to go, it was obviously going to be tight...but it's going really well. This is going to be a trial run for the new system. I have done about 85% of the dialogue except for the generic sex/paizuri etc scenes. I'll be passing stuff to PDW tomorrow for him to fill those in so we are ACTUALLY ON TARGET.

Doggo of the week

Sound required for this good boy.


I know half of you won't click the link, but you REALLY should.



This dog video is one of the best things I've ever watched!


It really is. I must have watched it 100 times and still laugh at the derp.