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  • casinotrailer.mp4



So the genshin gacha gangbang should be releasing about now, but it erm...isn't.

It actually isn't my fault at all this time. As mentioned before, this is a collab with somebody else and they ran into issues with the old classic....VAs.

Okay, so now I can't do that I had to scramble to try and get something else out this month. The smart thing would have been helltaker...it's close ish to done and I only had about 12 days between knowing I had to change video and the end of the month.

So instead, I decided I'd work on a completely new 50+ minute project...hahaha.

But work is going well and I'm optimistic on getting it done.

I also have a trailer attached or, you can watch it on youtube because I thought that'd be funny.


I am pretty hyped about this vid too.

Other stuff going wrong

Yesterday I managed to spill water on my laptop! I turned it off and over immediately, and there wasn't a ton of water so it's probablyyy fine. Drying it did cost me a whole day of work though which is not ideal considering time limits.

I have backed up genshin and new project up on mega now just in case. So if my laptop blows up now it goes from being contemplating suicide to just a regular old disaster.

Doggo(s) of the week

This weeks is a bit different. One of my discord members recently lost two dogs in a very short time period. So this is to honour them.


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