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Song of the week

Haven't done one of these in a while, but it's on point so.


So last time, everything was going wrong. This time, things are still kinda wrong but much better. Not to give you my whole life story, but well I can kinda suffer from seasonal depression and the giant list of everything going wrong did not help. I have honestly spent the majority of the last two weeks just sleeping or doing nothing. Optimal time spent in Japan.

But well, now things are better, magically out of nowhere. It's just how it works.

But you may have noticed the mostly in brackets. I've had two BSOD's today so fucking lol. I've uploaded my current projects onto cloud so if the worst does happen I won't immediately cliffjump. Right now it's a concern but probably easy enough to deal with.

Video stufffff

As I kinda implied above, today is the first day in a while I have actually been working on anything. Sorry about that. So helltaker soon?

So, let me explain my creative process when it comes to the helltaker video. 

I open it up, I check the previous text, I look at the upcoming images, I put my head in my hands, I close the project and I walk away from the computer. I erm, yeah. I literally have over 30 minutes outright done but I am just really struggling to get back into it.

So I have been writing St Louis which will be the next video. I am going to be trying something new with it, it will be "semi voiced". Aka, the sex scenes will have moaning and shit commissioned, but nothing else. I am curious how it works and if it feels odd. 

The voice work is estimated for Sunday. I thiiiiink I should be able to wrap everything up by Monday or Tuesday. The only complication is that there's going to be two versions (bull and cuck), so not really sure how long it will take to edit stuff from one to the other.

A small tease (part 2)

Again, for the upcoming project it's time to guess a letter!

G _ _ s _ _ _    g _ _ _ _   g _ _ g _ _ _ g

Simply guess a letter, and if it's in there I'll add it! However, only the first commented letter will be chosen, so gotta go fast.

Edit: wow, what a good guess from supreme. Five letters? You'd almost think they knew what it was or something.