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It's been a long time since I started the crowdfunding system, and a long time since I realised it was a bit of a mistake and begun the shutdown of it, 17 months since then actually.

Now, there's only two videos left...but which two?

Ishtar and Eresh started the month in the lead.....and $634 extra will ensure that they stay there lol.

Eula and Rosaria started just $40 ahead of fluffy tails...it could be close. They received a very respectable $337...hard to catch, but possible??

So, $377 requires for fluffy tails....and they fell short, at $196. The time for floof is over.

This means that it is the battle of the gacha. Fate vs Genshin. 

Ishtar and Eresh start with a $497 advantage...it will be tough, but there are some big transfers out there from the fluffy tail videos. (I will be messaging as soon as this post goes through)

(Not that there's much choice, but you can view the site at)


Other updates

Haha everything is going wrong. I swear since coming to Japan I have been cursed. I've had my SSDs die, I almost died, I have lost my phone, I've had some FUN experiences with airbnb and I just kinda feel shit in general.

The only way things can be much worse was if my laptop was to break. If that happens I might just alt f4 life. But on the upside, things can only get better, probably.

A small tease

There's a certain project that I am very excited for. It will be uploaded in late March. But I thought we could play a sort of hangman game.

The title of the video is

_ _ _ s _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Simply guess a letter, and if it's in there I'll add it! However, only the first commented letter will be chosen, so gotta go fast.



Only one letter for the first comment which is already taken. Try again next week

Hello World

I missed my chance to guess Z.

Name Here

Nah, guess Q next week :)
