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What's going on

Hey guys - it's been nearly a year and it's time for me to take off another ~month or so to let my wrist recover. Long story short, I returned to a fairly regular working pace before I let my wrist heal and strengthen as much as it needed to, and I'm back in the thick of it again. While the injury has evolved and changed over time, it's once again restrictive enough that I can't justify trying to draw with it in this state. So, I decided to take this time off to hopefully do a better job at healing, see a specialist in person rather than online, and build a more robust future for myself as an artist.

What I'll be doing meanwhile

Well it just so happens that my bun and I have something pretty special going on in November that we'll talk about later, but it's good news and we're both super excited! More on that later. Otherwise, I'm going to be continuing to try to organize, plan for the future, and talk with friends. I'm going to attempt to put together a pack of hi res art for you guys that I'll upload both on Patreon and on Gumroad.

Hopes for the future

Well, I have 3 large painting commissions still left over (and actually 1 YCH painting from a bit ago) from when I originally injured myself, but after those ones are finished, I'm going to take some time to rethink how I work with Patreon, commissions, and personal work. It's going to be tough to find a good balance, but I think I have a solid plan for it. Mostly what I'd like to do for the time being is support myself with about 1 YCH per month, so I'll be able to work at my own pace without stressing my wrist, continue Mizuki's comic on Patreon (which is basically all scripted now), and try my best to keep my wrist healthy so I can have a long future drawing!

I'll try to stay strong meanwhile.

Stay safe everyone, and thanks a ton for all your support <3

At the request of some of you guys, I'll leave my PayPal address here if you'd like to help support me during my recovery and get me back to drawing with less worry. I appreciate it!

PayPal: monkeyspiritarts@gmail.com



Asher Tail (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-27 11:12:22 Aw I hope you feel better soon. I have a similar issue with my wrist/hyperthenar muscles and it makes drawing/holding things for long periods of time very difficult. Take care of yourself! &lt;3
2020-10-15 07:40:41 Aw I hope you feel better soon. I have a similar issue with my wrist/hyperthenar muscles and it makes drawing/holding things for long periods of time very difficult. Take care of yourself! <3

Aw I hope you feel better soon. I have a similar issue with my wrist/hyperthenar muscles and it makes drawing/holding things for long periods of time very difficult. Take care of yourself! <3


Good luck dude!! Do what ever you need to get your wrist feeling better. Health is most important! You know we’ll all be here when you’re back and can’t wait to see what all you have in store for future art! :D