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Bed wetting can be so embarrassing! You thought you were all grown up and potty trained but it turned out that you couldn't keep your sheets dry. Or maybe, you wet the bed so often that you already have rubber sheets to protect your bed just in case :) 

There's lot of fun scenarios with bed wetting. Remember that sleepover trick we all heard about? If you put someone's hands in a glass of warm water while they sleep, it might make them pee in their sleep! 

Another fun scenario: a powerful woman ties you to the bed, and doesn’t allow you to get up until she says so. You squirm until you start to wet yourself before her eyes. 

Or maybe a babysitter gives you some special tea to drink before you nap and when you take a nap, you mindlessly wet yourself. 

One of my favorite scenarios, is seeing that someone has wet the bed, and I get to be the one to shake them awake and tell them "sweetie, you wet the bed". Of course, this will lead to a lot of blushing and embarrassment on the bed wetter's part when they look up at me, and then lo0k down at the sheets and see that it really happened.  

What are your favorite bed wetting scenarios? Do you want to see a particular bed wetting scenario in my files? Comment and vote below! 



Being so cozy in bed that you don't want to get up and decide to just let go right there. Then realize what you just did and hope no one notices.

Tracy Chastain

Helplessly regress to infant and feel it is perfectly normal to wet or mess the bed


Being so used to wearing nappies at night. You naturally wet un-consciously in your sleep. But the one night you try to deludedly want to impress a lady and don't wear one 😳


Not to be Debbie downer but hands in water doesn't work. Skin won't absorb that level of liquid :) Tied down and left to have an "accident" seems pretty fun though!


I've never actually tried the warm water trick myself, but that sounds a bit more fun than the other forced urination scenarios since when you wake up and find the mess, you wonder what happened and how you can prevent it from happening again in the future. If there is a way to hide involvement completely, that would be the best scenario in my opinion, that way I develop the misguided assumption that I have no one to blame but myself.


I can say from experience that there is nothing more intense than the feeling you get when you have wet the bed but can't deal with the evidence immediately in the morning. So you leave everything on the bed in hopes that you can hide or clean up the mess later. But then you hear Mommy calling you from your bedroom. Ohh ohhh! she found out. When you walk in, "yes Mommy", she is standing there with the blanket pulled back revealing the soaking wet bed. Your eyes get jittery and the room starts to spin a little. Your face is


Darn this enter key.. Your face is red and feels warm. you are paralyzed. Will she finally make good on her threat to put you back in diapers? Or will she tell your siblings or friends that you are a bedwetter? You will find out soon enough.


Sometimes a simple strap can be a good reminder not to slip back to bad habits like walking to the toilet in the middle of the night


My understanding of the water trick isn't that your skin absorbs it, but that it's a psychological trick that makes you want to pee, like how people often want to pee as soon as they step into the shower. Warm water --> urge to pee


Or perhaps someone does notice, and decides to diaper you in case you do it again.


That makes more sense. I don't get that kind of result when asleep, but holding it in when I'm at work or in public is way different than doing so at home in a diaper or at the toilet. :)