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If you've been having lots of accidents and have been acting a little too naughty, diapers can be a good punishment. I know that one of the best ways to put someone in their place is to put them in the embarrassing situation of being diapered. Once you you're in diapers and you start squirming, it's only a matter of time before the dame bursts and you wet yourself. When you see that I am looking right at your diaper, watching you wet it, you remember not to be naughty anymore. You remember who's in control. 

On the other hand, diapers can be a good reward. If you've been having lots of accidents, maybe the right thing to do is put you in a diaper for the day, or for the week.. or for longer :) Maybe getting you an extra special ABDL diaper would be a perfect reward. After you've had a certain amount of accidents, I reward you with a surprise package of extra babyish diapers that are very bulky, and that have baby designs on them. 

What do you think, should diapers be a punishment or a reward? Both? Or something also completely? Comment below! 



I like the idea of not just a punishment or a reward, but like a surprise, like at a party, someone is very confident, suave, and adult like, and sort of cocky. Names of all people attending the party are placed in a bowl, but also some of the guests, especially the cocky ones who seem to think they are in control, are watched by certain people there at the party, and when one of them decides it's time for them to waltz out of the party, their name is drawn from the bowl, and announced over an intercom. Then a security detail comes to find them before they can leave the party with their date, and they are detained and taken to a nursery and put into diapers and a gigantic inescapable crib prison for the night. And no matter how much they protest and complain they are treated like big babies and held overnight until they collapse under pressure and are rendered helpless crying adult babies.


I need to use my imagination more, to think of stuff like this. I know it's goofy, but wow, sometimes we need that nudge of something to do with our fantasies that take it to the next crazy level for some more contentment and excitement.


My diaper shows the World that me am just a pathetic little sissy baby 👶

Tracy Chastain

Be absessted with wearing and using diapers


When I'm in little space a diaper is just something that little ones need not a punishment or a reward


I like the idea of diapers as a reward for staying dry. We've been so good staying dry that we can wear diapers for a day/night and not have to worry about making it to the toilet.

little bri

this is an inneresting twist... but it isn't a bad idea at all


I believe diapers become a punishment when you realize there is no escaping them.


When you wet your training panties trying to be a big boy Mommy puts you in diapers to show you you're still just a baby. When you accept you're a baby Mommy puts you in special big baby diapers with cute baby prints and extra absorbent.


I prefer scenarios where everything is a punishment. Diapers/incontinence/infantilization are a package deal which I unknowingly incurred.


Diapers are an object and you just hang the story or fantasy off them. As an example the 24/7 or medically incontinent might need something absorbant and discrete. ABDL might want cute with a print and a bit thicker. In my mind the perfect ABDL diaper is white, loud, rustles, very thick enough to prevent leg closure and leaks like a sieve sometimes .. and none of the above fit the sole paradigm of punishment or reward. How and why you use them fit in the punishment and reward scenario the diaper is just because I like diapers. As for activities in diapers. If I was helplessly programmed to wet them .. that isn't inherently a punishment. If it's pleasurable it could easily be a reward. At the wrong time or in a specific environment however very much a punishment Again - the diaper is the object in the story.


Neither reward or punishment. Like taking medicine or eating your vegetables. It is what is needed and what is right/good for you. What you need and need to accept as part of you and your life. Even if you are reluctant you will learn to need them, and use them, now and forever.