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Hello hypno fans!

I just wanted to send out an update! This Patreon is continuing on as always, but my hypno store (which hosts my hypnosis files for sale) is moving to a new platform.

I got an email from the platform that hosts my store (gum road) that my account is suspended because they no longer allow adult / NSFW related content. That’s a huge disappointment for me, but sadly unsurprising. This has happened a few times to my store and looks like once again I have to find a new platform to host my hypno files. I know one of you has already noticed - good catch! I just got the email today. So if you’re looking for my content online - it going to be a few weeks before it returns.

I’ll keep you all posted on the new link / platform of my store. Hopefully I’ll have things up and running in a new place. Again, this doesn’t affect my Patreon in any way.

It’s unfortunate that media created for alternative lifestyles, kink, and ABDL is often blocked, banned and censored. Whether it’s payment processors blocking it and making it hard to sell content, or YouTube and other video streaming services restricting it from being monetized or available in all countries. There are many unseen challenges to creating unconventional content (compared to creating content for something more “normal”).

But either way, I will keep creating ABDL content! I love creating hypnosis, brainwashing and everything related to playing with and altering the mind. I’m going to keep doing. Kink and everything in this realm is also a huge part of my everyday life. I love having a lifestyle and hobbies that are not conventional or “normal”.

So I’ll accept the challenge, and meanwhile create something for free for all of you. I will release a free file this week (baby girl rebirth!). I have been planning it for a while - but now is the perfect time to create something that involves ABDL and sissy hypnosis and the kinds of content that platforms keep trying to restrict me from producing, lol!

Sorry if I haven’t responded to all of your messages. Besides my store issues, things in my “real” life keep me busy. Someone in my life is ill and my focus has been on that part of my life for a while now, so if I’m not responding as regularly as you would like, just know that I’m not ignoring you. I’m trying my best to keep creating great ABDL and femdom content.

If you want to see some of my femdom content - check out my blog!

I posted recently:


More updates coming soon! Thank you for all of your support! I love to see how you all engage in and support my work. So many of my best ideas were inspired by comments and messages from patrons!

Sending you all hugs! Good things coming soon :)


Serazene S

Sorry to hear about the illness. "Real" life matters most and I hope you're able to take the time you need to be there for those who needs you (or take time for yourself). Enjoyed the blog post!


Dear Mommy, take care of your loved ones and don't worry about us. We have so much content from you that we can draw on when we want to hear your voice and feel your closeness.😘😘