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Some of these are rather old but can still be continued if you guys are interested,
I'll give priority to the most voted!
Btw, I'm still sending the "old rewards" So those of you who still didn't get the message with your picks don't panic, you'll get it shortly! :)



Is the naughty spell ended?


All of them? :P


Well, as I found I clicked almost everything I guess you can’t go wrong for me...


Biology Essay was so good! I'd love to see what happened next to those lovely ladies ❤️


Dadario getting her tits crammed down the throat of that spider lady! And more Hermoine!!


Wouldn't mind getting a continuation to Elsa & Anna + Aurora for the Disney stuff


Oh I'm continuing all of them, I'm just trying to figure out which ones first ;)


I'd really love to see more Rey in the Trash Compactor, Leia and Oola together in the Rancor, some more Claire Dearing (Jurassic World) and more Sansa and Margaery, maybe add in Arya for extra fun. ♥ For new stuff Doctor Who is on my mind with The Doctor (13th) and Yasmin. Nancy Wheeler from Stranger Things. Anya Stroud or Kait Diaz from the Gears of War series. (If you're looking for ideas, which you likely aren't right now)


Well, that one might have a sequel at some point, but at least until truth or snare is finished I don't think I'll be doing other HP stuff.


How about some X Files action with Agent Dana Scully?


Any chance to see you do naomi scott?


Elsa from frozen or Yennefer.


Tauriel stuff is great and is my fav but if your looking for someone new I would recommend katheryn winnick as lagertha from Vikings


More of Sansa's Seduction please


Other: Spider-Gwen. There is soooo much potential in that one pic you did. If not that, I'd love to see more of Rey in the trash compactor. Next most intriguing for me are Tomb Raider and Truth or Snare!


We might need a new serie for GoT too!


More from Moana.


How about keira Knightley from Pirates of the carribean? Tentacles, Kraken, Zombie Pirates. Theres enough for everyone 🥰


Rey and the Vexis snake from Rise of Skywalker~ there was even a willing sort of vibe in that scene

Jeff Pender

Truth or Snare! Although Skull Island is great too!


I'd like to see more Ahsoka

Ronnie R15

Though there's many I'd like to see more of I'm most curious to see how "Skull Island" turns out.


Jasmine, major potential!!!


Padme please!


Man, I am a huge fan of your work!

Mr Trick

I don't know if there is anything else to mine from Percy Jackson, but I know one thing. I would sure as hell like to see more of Alexandra Daddario. She is way to damn hot, not to be used on a regular basis. Even if you have to insert her into other concepts.


Cara Dune from Mandalorian, Agent Carter, MJ, Gamora from MCU, Rita Vratarski from Edge of tomorrow, She-hulk. Would love see them)


hello. I still hope to see OC from you ^^ Thanks for your great work !


Arwen , Rias Gremory , Fleur DeLacour, Cersei or anything Game of Thrones

Anthony Adams

There's so many it's hard to chose lol, but i picked Ariel, Annabeth and Arachne (I never saw the PJ movies, since they changed so much from the books i didn't bother, which is probably why the movie franchise stalled lol) and I also voted for Truth or Snare :P


The spider Gwen vs venom


Transformers with megan fox or tron with olivia wild or marvel stuff


More spider Gwen definitely gets a vote


Anyone interested in a Quiet gangbang series with the Mother Base mercenaries from Metal Gear Solid 5?


I feel that Esmeralda is an underrated Disney lady. Also Chel from The Road to El Dorado would be a hot one to do someday too.


I know I keep saying this but Ruby Roundhouse from Jumanji please!


I second Journeyman’s suggestion


I'd like some more of Daenerys. Captain Marvel would be great too.

Dmitri Ivanov

Ruby Rose and the other RWBY characters would be pretty cool


Still rooting for some Evie Frye (and other AC females)


I like the idea of a Captain Marvel pic! I reckon there is potential there...captured by skrulls? If not, more star wars is always good


Something from Game of Thrones. I know that the last season killed it basically, but your Arya and Sansa are epic.


Damn, with all this series and suggestions you have to release like 8 pics every term. Better start immediately! :P


Final episode of Padme and the Rat monster in the pit!

Supreme Overlord Llama

You know I am surprised how even it actually is. I almost wonder if would be good idea just to rotate different series all the time each month? I did not know there would be more Jyn and Bor Gullet. Makes me wonder, was there ever a desire to do more/continue Wonder Woman/Steppenwolf pic? Lastly I would love to see something from Mortal Kombat one day :P


Something with Jennifer Lawrence


I like the sound of that, perhaps something with Mystique. Her wearing the purple dress from X-Men Apocalypse would be pretty awesome.


I'd love to see Kate Beckinsale's Selene.


I'd like to see Carol Marcus (Alice Eve's version) vs a plant.


Her and Salma Hayek in From Dusk Till Dawn are my favorite sexy vampires.


I’d love to see a continuation of “Sailor Moonched”.


Seeing Oola and Leia reunited in the Rancor belly would be GREAT. Also, anything that has vore going on gets a vote in my book.


Follow up to leia/Iola/rancor, another interim shot of Leia being swallowed, like with Daenerys going headfirst into the dragon would be marvelous too.


I hoped to eventually see the leia and Jabba Vore scene you said might happen.


The 13th Doctor, Yasmin Kahn, Clara Oswald, Amy Pond, and so many more.

Jeff Pender

How about something with Elvira? She could get into all kinds of hot, sexy peril!


I know it's popular now, but how about the girls from Final Fantasy VII? Your art style would make them look amazing!


GoT particularly Margaery and Sansa. MCU like Scarlett Witch and Black Widow. Carol Marcus played by Alice Eve. But I still love the other things you're doing and I'm not terribly picky.


Margaery and Sansa :-) And the other GoT women we have already seen here. But I would like to add two more: Myrcella and Elaria Sand


Will you at least update the Tauriel story to fit the latest pic?


Mortal Kombat! I wanna see Goro wreck Sonya!


We need more Ursula!! And Ariel lol


Tifa, Aerith and Yuffie from FFVII would be great to admire! And I'd REALLY like to see some more ElsaxAnna from Frozen as well!


I know they’re not fictional characters, but if you ever just pick some IRL pinup stuff to work with, I still can’t get Shakira & J. Lo’s asses shaking at the Super Bowl off my mind and I’d love to see some NSFW stuff done with them


Ana Bray from Destiny2, Ripley and the Alien, Tessa Thompson from MiB International "Interacting" with the Hive. A non-cell shaded version of Maya and Tyreen the Destroyer from the borderlands franchise, i'd be very interested to see what you could do with that!