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Hey guys! As I mentioned earlier I've been looking into alternative ways to show and deliever my works since the last "incident" with Patreon.  
So as a first approach to deal with this matter I started working on a website that will eventually work not only as gallery of my available pics but also as a store to purchase them, digitally and maybe as prints as well; along with other features. I will ask you to bare with me as I develop it, it is a work in progress and right now it only displays the latest works which I thought was the most urgent issue since some of you had troubles with Pixiv. So this is an alternative way to see them that doesn't require an account. The idea is to gradually add the rest of the features. I will of course have the help of other people for the rest so I can keep focusing on doing what I do.
My Patreon and Gumroad accounts will keep working as always, but I felt it would be wise to start working in some alternative media, just in case ;)
In this regard, I want to thank those of you who suggested me other alternatives still, I'm considering those too! The more ways I can make my work accessible the better, I think.
Thank you all for your support and don't miss the rewards next Thursday! :D



Awesome! Nice to see you’re taking this as an opportunity instead of a setback!


I also have to say I like your idea very much so you can see which ones are new and it is well laid out :D ❤️


YES! Ninjartist's paintings a prints! Heck I'm so up for that!

Joseph Czarniak

currently between jobs, but expect several print orders once i land something.


Wow! Just saw Annabeth pic, its awesome. Is this first one or i missed another?


awesome pictures this month. Great you taking a setback and creating something out of it. Love it for some prints.


Good to have a back up plan in case you ever get nuked out of nowhere one day


Yeah, this way I don't depend on the grace of other company's terms and policies.


Thanks George! I'm really looking forward to have the site finished with all the features up and running!


Sounds good. The new Aerial piece looks amazing.


Hi Ninja! I purchased Tier 8 do I qualify for all old rewards this month or do I need to wait until next month? Thanks!


Hi Senodara! Yes you do quilify! You'll be getting all the old rewards next in a few days :)


Hi, I would really suggest to finish old series, even though they might not be the most popular, because the longer you put them to ice, the harder it will be to return to them. EDIT sry, wrong topic :D


Ayo. Just subscribed but still can’t see any pics? Genuine question haha cheers


I’m probably just doing something wrong but thought I’d ask