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I was trying to come up with a clever name for this but just couldn't think of any. Any ideas? I'll name it after the best suggestion (if any). It's been a while since I did some DC stuff so I thought it was about time to give some love to these beautiful characters. Please let me know if you'd like to see a continuation of this, it will have more than one alternative!
On a side note: Those of you who have been my patrons since the release of the "uninterrupted support rewards"(https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-awards-for-30534520  ). You will be reaching your first milestone this 5th!! :D
So as stated in the description of those rewards, I will ask you to please PM me to let me know who of you qualify for these, I will check it up and send the content of my
first year of works on Patreon to you on the 5th, along with the monthly content. Don't miss my second year worth of works at your next milestone!




Wow this is absolutely amazing, this should become a series of artworks like you did with other franchises

Ronnie R15

I'd love to see more of Wonder Woman and poison Ivy. Why not call it "Harley And Ivy's Wonder"? Also, your link doesn't work.


Series for sure. This would be good. Title suggestion: A poison seduction.


Yess, some Harley Quinn! No suggestion for the name, but this would be a great series!


Bad Company


Name suggestion: 'New Prey'

Kyri Arriaga

Yes, more, please. Potential name: "Girls Night In"


Wonder Woman VS Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy. Double Trouble would be a good name, I agree with the 1st comment.. Or it can be named as “Princess’ Les Trouble”😜


Paige, no.

Anthony Adams

Interesting, I'd love to see something with Supergirl, Harley and Ivy :P (Ivy was SG's first kiss in the comics, and Quinn offered her a kiss too :P), as for this title...hm, not sure, terrible with names, and that link is dead btw.


The enthralment of Diana Prince. (Alternatively "The subjugation of Diana Prince" works).


Girls night out to be a call back to the Harley and poison ivy episode from Batman the animated series


Nectar of the Gods


"big girls don't cry"


Ooh, interesting. I could see this series turning to tentacle/vine stuff with WW while Harley and Ivy have fun with each other on the side! But... This seems a little similar to Truth or Snare with the vines/plant thing no?


More sounds good!! "Wonder How This Happened"


What about... "Two Birds one stone" (referring to two being part of the Birds of Prey and Diana being from clay) or "Two Birds of Prey, one Gal of clay?"


Also is the thing between Diana's legs a bitter ginger (considered arguably one of the most penis-looking plants perfect for planty aliens or monsters or such) or is it just me?


Diana's formating girls squad


I love this so much!


Wonder Lust


Oh, yeah! Crazy Wonder Poison!


Do I want to see more of three of the hottest DC Comics ladies having fun? Nooooooo...just kidding, of course we ALL want more!!! Knowing Harley, she's going to want a turn right after or WITH Diana.


Now as for the title of this picture and hopefully series: "Girls Just Want To Have Fun".


A plant vore continuation would be good ;)


Oh, definitely continue with this, with something devouring Diana at the end. Maybe a Venus Fly Trap using similar techniques to the Samus series recently, where you could see her through the monster’s very thin skin? As for a name, Wonder Woes?


yes a Venus Fly Trap would be awesome


The Good girl, the Madgirl and the Seductress (ref the movie The Good, the Bad and the Ugly)


Was hoping the last pic this month would be Lara Croft. Excited for what’s next


Oh yes, more please. The bat needs to be inserted somewhere. "A long anticipated defeat'?, 'Paradise caught'?, 'Paradise found'?. Sorry, can't think of a decent title.

Dmitri Ivanov

You have my full and undivided attention. I don't care what direction this takes all I can say is that I love it and I am anxiously waiting for more! <3 <3 <3


“We found her secret cave”


Wonderful, looking forward to some plant vore with Harley <3


Yes more. Like I suggested before, vine tentacles then plant vore to finish it off before the next lady falls into the trap. I'd like to see my 2 favorites Power Girl and Batgirl. As for names, "Nature's Kiss", "Fruits of Temptation", "Paradise of Pleasure", "Garden of Desires", "Garden of Lust."

I'd love to see this turn into a series, Ivy uses her kiss to make Diana desire them, and a steamy lesbian session follows.

Joseph Czarniak

continuation, yes please. would be awesome for zatanna to be included in the continuation. name suggestion, "food, vine, and entertainment"


I could see ivy using the women to make more plants. Or superpowers plant hybrids of some kind


Oh goodness please continue this


Voricide Squad


Wonderous Sensations


Every hero has a weakspot


Not that big of a Wonder Woman fan (although Gal Gadot is, like, crazy pretty) and not one of Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn either, for some reason (although Robbie, is, like, crazy pretty, too). Poison Ivy, though? Yes please! Nice work on their expressions and thaaaat's a funny looking flower... :D Also like the glistening on Ivy's back, that looks really realistic. So, yeah, interested to see where this is going, I'm always game for more Poison Ivy ^^


"Birds of Gay"


This is fantastic!


“Birds of Prey” I feel like the standard name works fine as a double entendres


Awesome! This would another amazing series. Vegan Surprise.


I propose "Wonder problems".


"A sense of wonder"

Blue Lick

Poisonous madness


"The Fantabulous Corruption of one Diana Prince"


Really like this one, is short and catchy


I think we have a winner! Very clever suggestion Ronnie, Thank you. It was hard to choose though I really liked many of the others! :D


Hmm, perhaps she's eaten by/turned into a plant?


This is a very nice way to forget how bad that Birds of Prey movie was ;) (watch the Harley Quinn DC Universe animated series, waaaay better)

Mr Trick

I definitely want more of this. Preferably with extensive detail on what Ivy's plant is about to do to her.