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I noticed that some of you prefered the game's version of the Witcher characters, but still many were interested in serie's Yennefer. So I wanted to make at least one piece with the  looks of the series, but I'll most likely do others that look like in the game in the future as well.

More coming up for this term! :D



Reaper One Six

It's a good start I do prefer the videogame version the netflix version is meh


Started watching the show earlier this week. Just got to the episode with this little beastie and Yen's nude scenes. Though I am one of those that prefers the looks of the game characters more, this... This does put a smile on my face. Great job, Ninja!


I am so happy to see you draw the netflix series version on Yenn! very sexy! Thank you!


So you will make a video game version of Yenn in same pose as this pic?


Good work! Although I think that Yenn from the video game is way hotter.


Did anyone else get reminded of the scene in Alien where Ellen Ripley's in her underwear and the xenomorph has her terrified?


Great work! I was looking forward to seeing Anya Chalotra playing Yennefer in one of your drawings. ;-) Please, more of Anya!


Prefer video game version but this is still hot. Love where this could go but would prefer with game Yen :))))


Netflix ver. of Yen is good, but Triss is trash

Johnny Ringo

Very good! I’m looking forward to more of this version of Yen.


Love it.


Oooh, this is different! Lookin forward to more Witcher shenanigans.


Wow looks amazing as always, great job!


I've never seen the show, but I love this already.


Sheesh.Who let Quasimodo in.


Nice. Need to watch through witcher but this is awesome. Can't wait for the next Tauriel tho!


I certainly do prefer the game Yennefer, but this is still great! Glad to see some bondage again


Beautiful piece.

Nick Deperto

Are we only getting 3 pieces this months?


Of course not, I'm finishing with the 4th atm. I'll try to post it today, if not, tomorrow. But it's almost done. ;)


I haven't seen the show yet (or played the game, for shame!), but I think I'm leaning more towards the game version of Yennefer (maybe, in some alternate universe, they cast Eva Green for the role, then I might feel differently ^^;). That being said, she's a pretty lady and this is a pretty sweet picture. She really looks pretty 'roughed up', so this has a bit of a gritty feeling to it, which I appreciate. Also that's quite a nasty looking monster :D So, yeah, I am curious where this will lead, just as I would be curious about your rendition of game Yennefer :)