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Oh, as usual, so many things going on behind the scenes


- Crush Formula 2 - Sketches are coming along, lots of changes to panel positions, the flow of the comic.   Getting great advice from SuperCDR, W2F artist and others.   I wish it was ready today, but these things take time.... probably a March release

- Charged!  the sort of realistic looking comic about the girl who gets juiced from electricity, its ALMOST done and likely next months comic

- Angela 2D, more pages done on this one, cant figure out how to release it... some pages at a time or as a big comic?

- Katsuko, a HarmonyMotion collab, FMGym artist, going slow at the moment, 5 pages in

Theres a few other partially finished comics that might go abandoned... well see


Is anyone a FFF fan?  (femfortefan, the legend)   well, we are trying to make a FFF style comic, written by Gribble, that will be several pages per week or more, constantly released and dropping soon


Fan Art Fridays - We might get some extended versions soon.  Well see if we can increase the amount of releases next month, perhaps some Fridays with 2 pages


A few people had dropped the Venk-Man! muscle growth animation - it seems that its going to be possible to make an animation of Venk-WoMan!   a FMG version that is an animation..... lets hope it comes through


Just for fun, were trying to draw a real life FBB and celebrity with some muscle transformations

Also, hoping to release a W2F anthology edition, with extended scenes, added color and animations within the PDF


Theres many commission requests, trying to get back to everyone on time, but you can expect to see more of that art

HUGE thanks for your support!  without it, none of this is possible



For FFF Fan : I'm fond of him. Ben was one of those who inspired me. My favorites comics from him were : 1 - The Growth Spray/Creme 2 - The Spinachs serie (obviously) 3 - Daybird 4 - Wasteland But he has made some futa then and I hate it ... For the real life FBB, if you need a model : my favorite one from all is Erica CORDIE !!! She's amazingly sexy !


I loving so many of FFF comics...his Comics are still awesome in so many ways...but its like Kimenguman say, we made to much futa later. Some of his art is lost as his yahoo-site was hacked. If you need more of his stuff tell me, I have much of comics in the archiv. 😉


I loved FFF comic, especially the one with the magic spinach. I liked the fact that the growth was often temporary. This made for a fun dynamic between the characters relative to their new or lost size.

The Alternate202

Man, it's been a long time since I saw an FFF comic. I remember his style but I can't recall any specific ones. That sounds great about the possibility of more/extended Fan Art Friday pics/sequences! You guys have been knocking it out of the park with the ones you've done so far, so more can only be a good thing! XD And likewise that sounds cool about drawing a female celebrity muscle transformation too! I've always been a fan of celeb muscle growth and there are plenty of options to choose from, so I'll certainly be keeping an eye out for that! Sounds like a lot of really cool stuff is in the pipeline, and outstanding job on all the really cool stuff you've done already!


I love FFF, but some comics get weird. I hate futa, so when one of his comics turns out to be futa, I get so mad, haha. Also, he sometimes makes his hands and head stay small when the body becomes muscle. That's a bit weird. Also, have you read the comics Where a child gets raped? Really fucked up stuff


Howdy. I would like to chime in on FFF. As far as I know I was the first person to commission him to draw a FMG comic ("Jane the Jungle Goddess") and worked with him on some others too, so I am very familiar with his style. I have seen some preliminary pages of the new comic and the artist is doing a great job copying FFF's art style.


Its a shame that he went with the gore/futa later on, I havent seen any of that and will never condone it or have futa/etc on this channel


wowowow very cool - thrilled to have you on the team and writing comics now


VenkWOman is greatly anticipated