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Were having a lot of discussion internally and considering going outside our normal definitions for Heather from Crush Formula 2 - We arent sure and Im calling on our Patreons to help

Which form do you like the best?

Image 1, Image 2 or Image 3??  (see attachments)

Thanks for your support!




Image one has better balance between upper and lower body, but i like the cleaner lines of image 3.


If I had to choose between the three examples, I would choose the third one. All in all I like the idea of the more unbalanced upper and lower body, but in this picture it's a bit of a too hard cut. The higher waist compared to Nancy (at least it looks like so to me) is a good part of the third image, but its too narrow for a smooth transition from chest to legs. If I could change anything, I would shrink the biceps a bit and represent the increase of the formula's impact with more defined but still narrow abs and her overall height compared to Nancy. But that's just a thought. :)

The Alternate202

I agree with what appears to be the poll's consensus so far in liking image 1 the most. As Mal said, it has the best balance with her legs/thighs being larger in that one than in the other pics, complimenting her upper body better than the other two pics (imo, those all of them look good), and really being the best combination of accentuated feminine curves and big muscles.


Agreed as well. The skinny legs take away from her sense of power.