Hey there, in case you didnt get it, you can take a copy of FMGym 1 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CHR1wCeSdnriUSymBWMURlI3tQSngsQZ/view?usp=sharing and FMGym 2 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FCIZD0YwRW_Dra7iZD1HGlUvCsJi0PP1/view?usp=sharing here - be warned its quite adult Some people didnt get it, and its hard to keep track I want to say thanks again for your help, looking forward to making much better stuff
At the bottom of this message is a link for the new Ultragal Im terribly terribly sorry about Ultragal not working - something happened with the new version of the website and this time, it just didnt load up, although it loaded up last time! Im sorry sorry sorry, I hope this is the last time it happens https://drive.google.com/file/d/17QszCeB1A_bztjDu0jkJl1D3GzUXIScm/view?usp=sharing