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Felicity had lived a thousand adventures...in her books and head...so when her much bolder boyfriend said he'd stumbled upon a weird ruin in the forest just beyond their cul de sac, she was hesitant to oblige his reckless behavior. Yet she loved her boyfriend, and she didn't want him to think she was as lame as she felt, so she agreed to come along--if only to make sure he didn't do anything stupid!

They had been walking in the woods for hours, but the second she thought they were truly lost, there it was! The ruins, just like he'd said! Now she had to actually admit that she was terrified of seeing what lay beyond their walls. Nothing about this was right? After all, they had walked through these woods every day for four years to get to school, and somehow they'd never seen a creepy old ruin? No way!

Come on, what's the worst that could happen? That should could have been her boyfriend's catch phrase. He was lucky he still had all his fingers.

Fine, lift me up over the wall. I'll take a peak and if it looks dangerous we're going home to play video games! Her eyes narrowed in a desperate attempt to seem like she was in control of the situation. He only shrugged, and part of her her couldn't believe he was actually going to let her go in first! What kind of knight in shinning armor was he?

He struggle down the wall--clinging to the vines--when she had already found the obelisk. Even in the darkness, she had been drawn to it. Millennia of vines and ruin and yet felt she knew every crack. The logical part of her screamed out not to touch it, but something deep and primal called out to her, begging for release.

The first crackles of energy raced across her skin as the growing embers of some forgotten spell sputtered to life. She would not have turned away, even if she could have. When the beam of light shot from the obelisk, she embraced it eagerly, hungrily.

Any shred of fear burned away and searing power ran down her arms, her legs, into the very core of her being. For a moment she thought she would burst...and then she did, in a way. Her heart pounded fiercely in her chest, yet with each pulse she felt her body quake, groan...swell? She looked down at her arms in disbelief. Where once she had seen only frail twigs, now she could feel bulging power. That was also when she realized for the first time that she had torn through most of her clothes and now stood in the tattered remains of her pants. Not even her baggy sweater had survived.

That was when she heard a weak voice. It felt miles away, but some distant memory tugged on her. She hadn't been like this always--hadn't always been a goddess walking among mortals--she had come here with her boyfriend? She turned expecting to see him, only to realize she had to look down...and down. He cowered at her feet now, so tiny from her perspective...



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