SN Episode 4 - Final Render - Model Updates (Patreon)
Above is a final render from the upcoming Episode 4 of Shrinking Nightmare Season 2. Will likely be the shortest but maybe most complex animation in the series?
General Updates - things should be starting to get back to normal now as far as completed edits. Previews and behind-the-scenes posts will also become more frequent again.
Model Updates - Bluntly, I have had some model troubles. On the bright side, I still have a lot to edit and will give behind-the-scenes updates on those things, but for the past week, starting filming up again... everything had a big wrench or two thrown in it. I've kind of been in disbelief at times, at just how strange things can be. I got hooked up with a new model - turned out to be someone I know. Sadly, not happening. Got hooked up with 2 other models, who suddenly backed out without a word. Odd, but somewhat expected. August 1st filming had to be postponed. Well, for that reason I won't have much new to announce until later in the month. I am determined to get something set up, though!
More soon..