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  • Vignette_5_-_Trampled_1.mp4



For all Tiers.

Mitzi and Serana are unaware of the tinies below as they walk.

About this clip:

Did quite a bit of FX work on this one. Might have to look very close to spot some of the tinies... there are 6 in all.

The "true" slo-mo is something I'm still new at with FX work. Slowing down the tinies at the right moment without sending them into an "obviously different" frame rate has taken some extra work, but I think it's starting to look a lot smoother than some things previous.

Lost all the original audio and had to start from scratch.

You see a circle in the sky and ugly lighting because all of the footage was over-exposed, and shot wide on the wrong lens. I "saved" it by making everything visible, but the clipping in the white shades was the trade-off. "Vignette" in more ways than one.

The scene with 3 runners gave me some color trouble since the sun was going in and out behind the clouds.

Used some advanced techniques for motion tracking a handheld camera moving and zooming in actual 3d space, and really tried to give it a more realistic feel... The moving rocks of the path were a fun added challenge! I haven't attempted anything quite like it up to this point, but I'm excited to keep improving.

Let me know what you think!




Definitly next month i upgrade my subscription to access to this incredible work


This is my favorite of your live action clips, which I tend to be wary of as most creators don't do live action unaware very well. I think once you've become more experienced, you'll create some pretty awesome clips. Keep up the great work!


Thanks! I think upgrading some certain things will help a lot. I have sky-high ambition, so I'm hopeful to keep steadily improving.