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Just a small heads up that am still gone for half a week before I'm back home.

I have tried to make time to get art done, but I have to put my workaholic brain on snooze at some point eventually.

I hope you'll forgive me, but may have to put art on hold this weekend again until I'm back home. Vacation was long overdue and really isn't one if I'm working through it. ^^

Hope things are going well on your end! Get some sun if you can~

~semi-sunburnt BK




I’m glad to read that you’re taking time to do nothing and loaf. Enjoy your vacation. 🙂


Glad you’re getting SOME rest. But we want you to be fully recharged and filled (giggity?) with awesome ideas! Take the time you need and deserve. In the meantime, I’m going berry picking. So many tasty ones this time of year. Mmmm yummers.


Whoah, was not expecting to see the water park I grew up at on here! Enjoy the rest of the vacay!