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So while I'm gone on vacation for next week n half, I'm not able to get finished art done as easily as I hoped, but will have my small tablet for sketches and rough works. (doesn't work well for clean inking pages etc. But will be able to make sketches of upcoming ideas for comic during my evenings/downtime!

So to give me ideas, I come with a poll!

Serah and Seb had a long day.
They should relax. Should they have a warm bath, a nice relaxing massage, or just go to bed? Help me decide the next path of the comic!

Curious what you guys think :3

PS: I will still be sending out links for tier rewards at start of next month, don't worry!
However the 'what Ive been up to' folder may be a little late, until  I'm back home at my computer!




Honestly, I feel that they could do a bath then a massage. 😅 But the bath would make sense in a narrative perspective as a comparison to Monday. Edit: To add on, the massage would be pretty intimate and show how close they are. And like Vanathor said, it would be nice to see Serah face down like that.

Cobalt Phoenix 81

I'm voting for the bath, but you can easily have a massage while soaking in a tub.


A bath sounds like a relaxing way to unwind. They're faced with so much anxiety right now.


I know you only gave the three options (I did choose one). But you leave me brainstorming about Seb and Serah relaxing instead in a pool or getting a message on a long chair with fur conditioner/sun screen being applied by a pool.


Why can't I see the previous pages? I can only see Thursday's page 46