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A new page has been added to the drive links sent out at start of month to patrons!

Is quite a page, but hope you like it. ^^;


>> New pages will be in the _COMICS folder in the link sent out at the beginning of the month to your PM's. New art i've been up to will be in the dated folder (2022 10)

Newly joined patrons may need wait until next 1st of month for tier processed and added to messaging list. <<



Pony Stark

Here's some words: I think I do finally see a seatbelt on Beth, but I think we all know it probably won't save her life. You can see both parent's mouth/facial expressions change upon the realization... Real question is, how does Seb come out of the seemingly unscathed? Also, why on Earth would Serah blame herself for any of this?


JHC... What a punch to the guts.


Appropriate header graphic.


She may think she caused the distraction. As for Seb, a sleeping person is more likely to survive these kinds of accidents (if I recall correctly), though I am at this time unable to answer why.




One of the times I hate being right about something. Back in Wednesday Mornings, I had said that the mom might have passed in some type of accident because of Keith missing part of his tail as well as his ear.


I can't believe I'm feeling such real emotions at an incest porn comic. I predicted this but it still hurts.


As a truck driver... those semi headlights are nightmare fuel. Good God this last page messed me up. My heart, plz.

Beloran Creations

If only they had a *cough* sign this might happen. :c Also I hate to say it, but that mom definitely need a good slap...just not that good of one.


Jesus... The emotion is real here and took the air from my lungs. Nicely done. I'm not sure if I'm seeing a continuity error, though. Keith doesn't seem to be missing a piece of his right ear in page 24 of Saturday Mornings, but he is in the family portrait on page 11 of Friday Mornings. Or am I just confused and in the wrong here? :X

Pony Stark

That is odd that it's still in the archives. That family portrait has been updated. https://inkbunny.net/s/2508986-p2-#pictop https://inkbunny.net/s/2838174


People who are asleep or highly intoxicated and/or really high tend to receive lesser injuries in wrecks because their body does what I call the "ragdoll effect". They are so far gone that they don't tense up like a normal person who sees the other vehicle about to hit their vehicle. Don't get me wrong, a lot of those same people pay the price as well. I've seen a ton of broken wrists and forearms due to people grabbing the steering wheel and locking their arms. Back when cars only came with lap belts many people wound up with what my grandmother called "gut cuts" and extensive internal injuries to their lower abdomens. She was a nurse for 45 years and saw who knows how many injuries over those years. Thank God someone invented proper seatbelts. Just wish people wouldn't text and drive.


Black Kitten decided to change the family portrait at a later time so that Keith wasn't missing his ear at the time the picture was taken. Sorry, I wish I could remember when he let us know that he decided to do so. It threw me for a loop for a while as well.


@Pony Stark -- That makes *much* more sense. Can't believe I overlooked that, so thanks for the shout!


oh *shit*! yeah, that is quite a page!