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Hello all! It's that time again!

New Mornings Page has been added to the drive link sent out at beginning of month to the different tiers!

Starting to get cold out there, (at least where I am) Be sure to get bundled up and warm as we get into the winter seasons. Hope you all are doing well, and enjoy the new page!


>> New pages will be in the _COMICS folder in the link sent out at the beginning of the month to your PM's. New art i've been up to will be in the dated folder (2022 10)

Newly joined patrons may need wait until next 1st of month for tier processed and added to messaging list. <<




Love the line up of all the characters! The kids lineup was cool to see too. And there ended up being a lot of art of Morissa. No complaint here, I think I'm developing a crush on her. Hope she shows up again Sunday morn!

Dragon GEO

Another reason to stay inside. Warm cozy blankets and coco time is upon us.


Uh-oh... Well, now we get to see the breakdown, and I don't know if I'm ready for it...


This is a purely theoretical question for @blackkitten, but would Keith and Jayden be able to have kids in your universe? Would they be lynxes or zebras or a weird combo of each? Again, not implying anything, just curious because they are probably not the only interspecies couple out there.


Oof, that's some heavy shit.

Pony Stark

I'm looking as HARD AS I CAN, but I'm not seeing seatbelts on the parents... I can't help but compare this to Jessica Jones, where the siblings arguing distracts the father and causes a car accident, killing most of the family...