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It's a pic!
Here's last weeks page that has been held up due to technical difficulties... that were my fault.

Mid week was able to get the pen on my drawing display working again, but the pen was janky and shaking all over the place. Was not workable no matter what I installed and uninstalled.

Then by pure luck figured out a solution. Logged out.
My computer has 3 different accounts on it. for SOME reason, if more than one account is running in background, the calibration settings between both accounts remain active and fight for control of the location of the pen on the screen. so was jumping back and forth between the two default positions.

So only discovered this fix this morning, so churned this out for you!

Thanks everyone for the patience. When I have some more free time this evening or tomorrow will do best to catch up with this current weeks page!

Thanks for the support as always and enjoy!




Glad you figured out the issue! It’s crazy how something as mundane as having more than one profile active can cause something like that.


Wow. It’s amazing how that didn’t resolve just by restarting your system…


What's the plan?? What's the plan?!


I'm chomping at the bit to see how this pans out... If it's a point of no return, I can only assume they're gonna out themselves. To whom is my only wonder...


I keep dayjobs work on one account, furry art on another. I honestly think I just never had a chance where I opened up drawing prog while only one account active. That's my best guess so far that I never noticed it haha.


Ah, yeah. Still, it’s amazing that something that simple can cause such problems… lol


Uh oh, they have a plan. And I think the plan involves coming out.


At least there is a plan! As much as I love the sneaky lust sessions, it’s awesome to see it (hopefully) evolve into something permanent!


I like the way you think! I’ll take all the lynx lust BK offers. ^^;


So glad you got it fixed! Really excited to see where the comic goes from here. Absolutely loving it so far!


It took me reading this 5 times to notice the boobs. Too concerned about the plan lol.


I am so fixated on the plan that I didn't see the boobs until I read your comment! 🤣


I feel like iv missed something here