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The Drawing Display recognizes the pen again after several reinstalls. (yay!)

But pen cursor is vibin' like crazy. so those are 'straight' lines up there, where the pen is just freakin out

so progress! But I doubt havin the next page looking like an earthquake would go over smooth.

So will update when I can. Thanks for the patience all!




You got this, man! Just the fact that you refuse to give up makes everything worth the wait.


Let's gooo, shakiest comic ever when?


Loving the Home Movies squiggle vibe!


I think it would be funny to have one page look like this.


Looks like one of those 'as seen on tv' pens they advertised on Nickelodeon in the 90s that had a motor and counterweight on them.


I can feel the energy, man!


Woah, did Patreon completely change overnight?


That's an impressive flavor of jank. Sorry you're going through it, but I'm glad you're remaining determined! If you can't get it working, do you have the budget to buy something else to switch to? This seems like a textbook case for Patreon income being helpful. :)


Worst case I can draw on my phone. But I have some rough hand cramping memories, so if i HAVE to, will do. Will work for commissions, but I am pretty sure there will be a visible difference in lines of the comic pages compared to desktop pages if I do so. So have someone on the case to fix the display. Worst case I bite the bullet and do best I can to match comic pages on phone. (A chunk of chapter 2 was actually drawn on phone, so is plausable)


I though that it reminded me of something, thank you. Anyways best of luck BK, we'll be happy to wait till this wierd tablet quirk is smoothed over!


May I suggest cutting back on the coffee before you art? Kidding! just kidding


Just in case it was not done - did you try recalibrating?