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Summary: Zoe accepts a job as a maid from the cold scientist, Garrett Miller, and soon starts to experience unusual changes. Contains: Female: udder, multi-breast, cow-girl, pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, multiples, weight gain, stuffing, and more.

Previous Chapter 


Zoe had managed to gobble down all three muffins by the time she made it to the door of Garrett’s study.

Her stomach was uncomfortably full. It emitted a gurgling noise as she folded her arms against it, grimacing. Usually Zoe ate very little, only picking at her meals. But in recent days, her appetite had gotten voracious. She just couldn’t figure out what was going on with her.

Irritably, she lifted her fist to the study door. She hardly knocked on it twice before it swung open, startling her.

Zoe took a step back, looking up at Garrett Miller’s tall form. He had dark brown hair and icy gray eyes, his face relaxed into its default apathy. Zoe estimated that he had to be in his forties, at least, to have fathered Josephine. But he didn’t seem like a father. He was too cold and clinical, yet strangely alluring.


Zoe snapped out of her reverie, a little flustered. She still hadn’t gotten used to being around Garrett. He ranged from fascinating to intimidating, always putting her on edge. “Aren’t fathers supposed be all happy and jovial?” she jested, trying to lighten the mood. Admittedly, she didn’t have a point of reference for a father in her own life.

“Perhaps you’re confusing me with Santa Claus,” Garrett countered wryly. He nodded to a chair in front of his desk, inviting her to sit down.

Zoe entered the office gingerly as he returned to his own seat behind the desk. She sat down as she thought of Santa, then Mrs. Claus, who was always so plump and pink and her depictions. The makeshift mother to their army of elf servants. The ultimate matriarch, even if that didn’t fit in with the lore.

Zoe brushed those thoughts aside. “Mr. Miller,” she said awkwardly, gathering her nerves. “…something really strange has been happening to me.”

Garrett raised an eyebrow. He intertwined his fingers beneath his chin, giving her his undivided attention. “I see. Is this still about those symptoms you alluded to?”

Zoe’s face heated. Truly, she could not expect resolution without being more open about her dilemma. “Well, some w-weight gain,” she stammered. “And my appetite has been, um…” She didn’t think she could go on. Not about pink color and swelling of her pubic region. It was just too embarrassing!

“Those things sound entirely normal,” said Garrett dismissively. “You are a young woman and you’re still growing.”

“It’s not that!” she snapped, surprised by her own outburst. Garrett’s eyes glinted, and just for that moment, she swore he looked amused. “You know what’s happening to me,” Zoe realized, her voice breathy. She couldn’t believe this. It was so violating! “What did you do?”

Garrett’s demeanor went cold. He seemed displeased with the accusation. “What did Ido? Well, Zoe, I did nothing but warn you against going into my lab. It is an extremely complex facility, and it houses millions of dangerous compounds.” Garrett lifted a fountain pen, his attention turning to some of the papers piled on his desk. “I have no way of telling what you were exposed to, if anything. For all I know, you could be making this up. You haven’t gotten a medical exam, and you refuse to tell me what’s so unusual about your supposed symptoms. Perhaps it’s psychosomatic? You seem fine aside from some anxiety.” Then he started writing something on a document, signaling that the conversation was over.

Zoe’s hands balled into fists. She could tell that Garrett didn’t believe a word of what he was saying. Her intuition told her not to trust him. “You have no right to experiment on me,” she stammered.

Garrett paused. He lifted his gaze up from his papers, then trailed it slowly along Zoe’s body. “If you’re insinuating that I am liable for anything, you might want to look at our written agreement. My lab is considered a level VIII government facility. You were advised verbally and in writing against trespassing. The law is on my side.”


Zoe tried calling Josephine numerous times. It wasn’t until the following day that she saw the text response as she was getting out of Calculus:

hey, sry, been underground all night. we’re studying a new mold species. no reception in the cave. I have 5 minutes—wat’s up?

Unfortunately for Zoe, fifteen minutes had already passed since the message had been sent. Josephine would be unreachable, and there was no telling when she would be back online.

Feeling dejected, Zoe went to the campus library. She was too antsy to go back to the house. It felt simultaneously claustrophobic and lonely in there by herself all the time, with Josephine only making sporadic appearances, and Garrett being the cold, quiet recluse that he was.

Zoe spent an hour trying to study for an upcoming math test. She stared at the paper, not really seeing it. She sighed, placing her face in her hands.

Zoe was short and skinny, her dirty blonde hair hanging in loose curls around her face. She was unremarkable, and she didn’t mind it. She was low-maintenance, and liked being in the background. She kept to herself; kept her life balanced, tidy, organized, and predictable. As an accounting major, Zoe liked numbers—concrete things. She steered away from chaos.

Now her body was chaos.

She was wearing an oversized T-shirt and some leggings, fidgeting frequently, ever-conscious of the warm, bloated swell that was overtaking her pubic region.

“Hey baby,” said a voice behind her.

Before Zoe could turn her head, a hand reached down from behind her, landing on her left breast, then squeezing. Zoe barely contained a groan as the tender mound was abused. She shoved the hand off her, wincing. “Ethan.”

Still standing behind her chair, Ethan loosely slung his arms over her shoulders as he leaned down and caught her in a rough kiss. Zoe gave a surprised grunt as he shoved his tongue into her mouth. With effort, she pushed him off her.

“Stop it,” she hissed. “We’re in the library!

Zoe honestly wasn’t sure why she was dating Ethan. He had started off as a rebound, and then Zoe had kind of just gotten used to not being alone on the weekends. The two of them usually went out for drinks, or just hung out at his place. Breathing heavily, she glared up at him, her cheeks pink.

“Chill out,” Ethan said with a lazy grin, his backpack slung over his left arm. He had his football jacket on. “You ready to go?”

Zoe almost regretted telling him to meet her there. “Yeah, one sec. I just have to run to the bathroom.” She forced a smile through her annoyance.

As Zoe got up, she could feel Ethan’s eyes on her figure, appraising her. She wondered if he noticed that something was different. She didn’t look back as she shuffled quickly in the direction of the bathroom.

When she got inside, she went straight to the mirror. She studied her reflection, breathing in and out. Her fingers glided over her chest, along where the top of her bra cups were digging at least an inch into her flesh, creating an unsightly bulge. She had somehow outgrown all her B-cup bras. She would need to go up a size when she could afford it. Bras were expensive, so Zoe was stuck with her breasts uncomfortably squished for the time being.

Her hands slid downward, now cupping the soft bloat of her pubic region. It’s not that bad, is it? she wondered. Her breast growth was not too bothersome, but the fleshy pink mound in her panties was truly bizarre. And it only seemed to be getting bigger as time passed.

Zoe knew that if she went with Ethan, he would have his hands all over her. She wouldn’t be able to hide it. What would he think? She gripped the sink, her breathing thinning as she stared at her reflection.

Ethan would freak out. He might even tell other people. What if she became the laughing stock of the campus?

No. It wasn’t worth the risk.

Absently tugging at the bottom of her shirt, she slipped out of the bathroom. She took a back exit, successfully avoiding Ethan as she hurried off campus. She couldn’t deal with him right now. She just needed a moment to think.


“I wasn’t expecting you, darling. I suppose you needed a break from that big creepy house.”

Zoe shifted slightly, her body feeling awkward in her leggings. “It’s not creepy mom, it’s just…big. And kind of empty,” she admitted as she followed her mother through her childhood home.

“Can’t you call Josephine to keep you company?” her mother asked, her dark bob bouncing as they walked into the living room together.

“Josephine’s busy with her studies,” Zoe answered. “You know she’s gonna rule the world someday.” She couldn’t help the idle smile that crossed her face.

“Of course,” her mother sighed.

There was a squalling cry down the hall, quickly becoming a chorus of wailing babies. Zoe wanted to cover her ears but held back.

“I guess nap time’s over,” her mother called over the noise.

Triplets. The three infants were one of the reasons that Zoe had decided to move out, the other reason being that she didn’t want to be a burden. She knew her family didn’t have a lot of money.

Wincing, Zoe joined her mother and looked down at the three identical infants, each in his own bassinet. Zoe still found it strange to suddenly be an older sister. It had just been her and her mother until Zoe finished high school. After that, it was like her mother had abruptly decided to start over. She had gotten married and started a whole new family.

“Have you put on weight?” her mother called as she carefully lifted one of the screaming babies.

Zoe blushed but didn’t respond. Somehow her mother had managed to lift the second infant with her other arm. “Here, can you hold Timothy?”

“No, I, er—” Zoe held her hands up in refusal. She wasn’t exactly a baby person. Even the air felt thin and itchy, all the noise and the weird baby-energy putting Zoe on edge. At least the infants were quieting down.

Zoe’s mother frowned at her in disapproval as she gently bobbed the two newborns in her arms. She used her foot to gently rock the third baby’s bassinet. Zoe had no clue how she could stand it.

“I actually wanted to talk to about something…” Zoe started.

“I just wish you would find a nice boy and settle down,” her mother said, talking over her. Zoe’s mother had gotten very traditional in recent years, ever since she had met the man of her dreams.

It was a startling change in attitude. Lately all she seemed to talk about was the joy of being a wife and mother.

Zoe scratched her side as her mother continued to rant. God, it felt hot in there. And itchy. She felt sticky and sweaty, her chest heaving, her pulse pounding in her ears.

“Trust me Zoe, motherhood it is the most wonderful thing…”

Zoe didn’t have the heart to tell her mother that she was infertile. She’d had some issues with her period a while back and gone to the campus clinic. She had been diagnosed sterile, and later had had it confirmed with her private doctor.

“Where’s Joseph?” Zoe changed the subject to her stepfather.

“He’s at work,” her mother said.

Zoe’s body was humming, something about the environment making her twitchy and achy in the oddest of places. The wailing of the babies continued to ring in her head even after it had subsided. “I should actually go,” she blurted, cutting her mother off mid-sentence.

“Oh, Zoe—” her mother protested.

But Zoe didn’t wait. She hurried out of the living room, down the hallway, and out the door.


It was a week later, and all her panties had only gotten tighter on her. Her breasts were swollen enough that her bras were getting painful to squeeze into. Zoe had no choice but to go without.

Her breasts were so full and plump that they didn’t seem to sag in the least, while her nipples protruded prominently in her T-shirts. They seemed to be erect almost continuously these days.

“A uniform?” she said in disbelief when Garrett held the appalling garment out to her. “You’re kidding, right?” Zoe felt almost offended, but she tried to stay composed. And she tried not to think of the sensation of her erect nipples rubbing against the inside of the tank top she was wearing with every breath she took. Her thighs rubbed together, her shorts bunching up from her fidgeting.

Garrett kept his eyes trained on hers. “I’m afraid so. Just when you’re working. I’m going to be having colleagues in and out over the next several weeks for my latest project. I need everything to be by-the-book. I can’t have anyone thinking that I have any unsanctioned workers on the property.”

And so, with deep reluctance, Zoe accepted the maid uniform. Her face reddened just at the thought of having to wear it. How demeaning.

“Thank you, Zoe,” Garrett said impassively.

When Zoe returned to her bedroom, she shoved the uniform into a corner, opting not to think about the dress until she truly had to. She lay down in her bed and closed her eyes, rubbing her temples. She was mentally drained. There is just so much going on.

Before she knew it, Zoe had drifted off. She had vague but lurid dreams. A man on top of her, rocking and pulsing. She groaned and thrashed, her hips twitching. She gasped awake and sat upright, flushed and panting.

What was with all the sex dreams? Why was she so damn horny? Zoe arched, moaning at the stinging sensations in her nipples…

It was followed by an even odder sensation. Wetness?

She looked at herself, her jaw slackening when she spotted the two patches of moisture on her tank top, each patch directly against one of her nipples. Her breasts were…leaking.



Love this story! Really hope it sees more updates in the future.