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Note: This is a story-prompt for Zee(mired). It is based on a plotline submitted previously by Smidgeon.

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Jack made sure to be accommodating. He was committed to taking ownership of what he’d done.

Or that’s what he told himself to be the reason that he was suddenly at his mother-in-law’s beck and call.

The living room was transformed. Kathleen had been making frequent complaints about being cooped up in her bedroom most of the time. So Jack had the couch put into storage and ordered some new furniture, ultimately setting up a large, steel-framed bed in the center of the living room. It made sense, given Kathleen’s declining mobility, on top of Jack’s uncertainty about how much longer Kathleen would even be able to fit through her bedroom doorway…

So the living room had become her bedroom. The large social area was in the center of the home, and helped prevent Kathleen from feeling so isolated.

Consequently, she seemed happier—if just in the moments she wasn’t groaning, shifting, or rubbing what her hands could reach of her massive, pulsing orb. Watching her writhe and pant was undeniably distracting even when Jack was doing things as routine as opening mail or making himself a cup of coffee. Often he caught himself staring, though Kathleen didn’t seem to mind.

Even at that moment, she was flushed and sweaty, her limbs shifting. Her back was propped up on several pillows, keeping her partially upright. Somehow she looked squashed,like her globe was pinning her body. Her thighs were spread wide, squirming feebly on either side of it. She continued to compulsively massage her swollen flesh with both of her dainty hands.

Kathleen was dressed in some sweat shorts and a T-shirt that only managed to pull down over her huge breasts, hugging them tightly, while the entirety of her belly was left fully exposed beneath the hem.

Again, Jack found himself lost in surveying his mother-in-law’s outrageous transformation. He knew that he shouldn’t have been so obsessive over her, but they were together all the time now, and Kathleen couldn’t be avoided. He would help her change positions, or get up sometimes. He would apply creams and lotions, and even help feed her.

They hadn’t talked about what had happened between them. In fact, Jack was determined to pretend that it hadn’t. Because any time he thought about it, the excitement was overwhelming. He tried to push his desire aside, because this was just dangerous, messy territory.

“Jaccckk,” Kathleen called, just the sound of her whiny voice putting his body on high alert. “I’m starved!”

Kathleen was alwayshungry. Between the hormones and the binge-eating, she had been worked herself into a state of being ravenous constantly.

Jack gulped and lowered the book he had been vainly attempting to read. He directed his gaze to the gallon-sized pitcher he had prepared for one of Kathleen’s many midmorning snacks. He lifted it with effort, balancing it as he approached Kathleen’s bed, careful not to let the substance spill over the edges.

Jack had been running out of ideas in terms of keeping Kathleen’s insatiable hunger at bay. His latest concoction was this pitcher filled with cornmeal, sugar, butter, heavy cream, some pudding packets, a box of crushed graham crackers, and half a jar of vanilla syrup.

He brought it over to Kathleen, helping to hold it at her chin as they tipped it to her mouth. The substance was thick and gooey, but she still managed to drink it without issue, chugging at rapid speed as she moaned, sticky streams rolling down her chin and dampening her shirt.  Jack couldn’t help noticing the wet material sinking into her deep fold of cleavage.

The way Kathleen consumed it so greedily made Jack think of a plump farm animal frenetically feasting on slop. Jack was oblivious as to why even that turned him on. He inhaled as he tried to temper his body’s reaction.

The front door swung open, audibly banging against the wall. It pulled Jack right out of his ignoble thoughts. Kathleen had just finished the slop and looked up, gasping. Jade strolled inside, not even greeting them as she casually entered the kitchen.

Jack felt a surge of irritation. He was certain he hadn’t seen Jade in days! “Seriously?” he said, watching Jade take a wine cooler out of the fridge. He didn’t notice how his hand had settled on the top of Kathleen’s heaving abdomen.

Jade finally threw him a glance. “Oh. Hi,” she drawled coolly, her eyes narrowing.

Kathleen was struggling to breathe, but still managed to gasp out, “Typical.”

“You’re insulting me?” Jade sneered. “No offense, mom, but you look like an elephant.” Jade took a swing of her drink.

“Jade…” Jack started.

“And don’t youstart either,” Jade cut him off. “Hanging out with mom all day; playing nurse. Seriously Jack, what the hell is wrong with you? She’s my mom. And she looks like a fucking blimp!”

Jack felt his chest constrict, but he maintained his composure so not to validate her implications. “She needs help Jade. It’s not like you’redoing it!”

Jade snorted.

Kathleen was still struggling to breathe, her face getting incrementally redder. Her belly pulsed and heaved, bobbing outward as though ridden with hiccups. ‘Blimp,’ was proving an accurate comparison. She really did look as though she was inflating!

Jack impulsively rubbed Kathleen’s shoulders while murmuring comforting words, his eyes unable to tear away from the rising orb. Somewhere in his periphery, Jade huffed and stormed off to their bedroom.


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