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Summary: Inspired by Surrogate Stuffing by Jaundis. Lynn is thirty-six. Her eighteen-year-old daughter, Hina, loves to stuff her belly to the brim with food. Determined to mitigate the effects of this bad habit, Lynn casts a spell to make 3/4 of the food that Hina consumes teleport to Lynn’s own belly. But Lynn soon realizes that this was a bad idea, because Hina doesn't stop eating until she feels really stuffed. Contains: Female: stuffing, belly expansion, weight gain, force feeding. Request submitted by Sebastian on patreon.

Previous Chapter 


Lynn’s body was changing. Clothing that had been loose or even baggy on her was now fitting her snugly, framing the new curves of her fuller, healthier body.

Healthier? Well, that was debatable. Lynn had rapidly gone from being severely underweight to being somewhat…pump. There was no denying it. Lynn ran her hands over the curve of her belly, staring at the way it protruded awkwardly from her physique.

Then her fingers traveled onwards, eyelids fluttering slightly as her hands encountered the mounds on her chest. C-cups had spouted there from practically nothing. She had always been flat-chested throughout her life, so it was certainly strange to have this new aspect of femininity.

When she looked in the mirror, she couldn’t deny that her hair looked softer and thicker, shining healthily, now falling wavy around her face. Prior to the weight gain, her hair had been thin and lifeless.

Lynn sighed and continued getting dressed, her nose scrunching with the effort it now took to button her dress pants. It was strange to see the way her waistband pinched into the plumpness of her newly-fattened flesh.

She turned her side, uncomfortable with the sight of her blouse hugging against her rounded abdomen. She walked out of the bathroom that adjoined her bedroom, going straight to her closet where she poked around until she retrieved a blazer. Lynn pulled the blazer around her shoulders then walked to the mirror above her dresser. She tugged at the sides of the blazer, but the buttons didn’t come close to making contact. It was just crazy how quickly she had put on all this weight.

Lynn dropped the sides of the blazer, allowing it to hang open. It framed her in a way that didn’t disguise her belly, but at least softened it a bit. Lynn saw the looks she got around the office these days, her colleagues truly stunned by how rapidly she was changing.

This would have to do. Lynn slipped her feet into a pair of flats.

Making a mental note to go clothes shopping before the week was over, she took the keys off her dresser and walked out of the room. She didn’t even make a stop in the kitchen before she left for work. She really had no need to eat anymore. It seemed that Hina had her covered.


That day, Lynn had a lunch meeting at work. It was very casual, just Lynn and about a dozen of her colleagues sitting around a large table as they discussed upcoming projects.

Lynn played around with the salad she had ordered, sometimes pretending to pick at it, but not really eating at all. She could tell that Hina was also having her lunch, as Lynn’s stomach getting incrementally fuller as she sat there, and it was bordering on uncomfortable. She fidgeted a bit and just tried to breathe deeply, her skin feeling flushed and warm.

It was taking some effort to keep up with the chatter of her colleagues. Lynn had been attentive in the beginning, but as usual, her body had come to be a distraction.

“What do you think about the new software, Lynn?” Peter asked from across the table.

Lynn’s eyes widened. Her discomfort was only growing, and she didn’t trust herself to speak. She was tempted to simply excuse herself to the bathroom, but she had already pulled that move a couple days earlier. “Well…ehm…” she managed breathlessly, though the uncomfortable bloated sensation was still increasing in her belly. “The new software is certainly i-innovative, I’m just concerned about all the b-bugs. In addition, just the learning c-curve…”

She trailed off, muffling a groan with her lips as her face twisted and reddened, the tightness intolerable, but she tried to bear it.

“Mmghhh…” she hummed, hands cupping her tight belly under the table. She was just so packed. There was no room left, it was getting painful. She spread her thighs, arching, searching for some relief but the tension was only increasing. She felt as though she could throw up, or her belly might rupture, but she just tried her best to breathe, sweat beading on her forehead as she puffed out breaths as though she was doing lamaze.

“Are you okay?” asked a concerned voice.

Lynn came out of her reverie, opening her eyes to find a room full of people staring at her with varying looks of puzzlement and concern.

Oh god. “F-fine,” Lynn stammered, completely mortified. “I’m sorry, I — I got lost in thought for a minute. I um…” Oh god, oh fuck, Hina was out of fucking control. “I’m fine with the new software,” Lynn forced out rapidly, just desperate to wrap this up and get everyone’s attention off of her.

“Are you sure?” Peter said slowly. “For a second there it seemed like you weren’t too big on —”

“No, it’s great.” Eyes widening, Lynn quickly clamped her mouth shut while covering it with her hand, but in the silent room it was obvious that she had just belched, the sound of it audible in her throat.

Lynn was blushing profusely. She wanted to disintegrate.

Then thankfully, mercifully, Peter wrenched his gaze away from her. “Any input, Claudia?” he called to a therapist on the other side of the table.

As Claudia started to speak, and everyone’s attention shifted to her, Lynn puffed out a breath, slumping in her seat.

This situation was truly becoming a nightmare.


By the end of the workday, Lynn felt packed.

Her belly was no longer soft the way it had been when had first woken up that morning. Instead, it was tight and firm, her blouse hugging her more snugly than it had when she’d put it on. She was packed with food that her stomach was straining to contain. Lynn felt exhausted, breathless, sore, and she deeply wanted to lie down.

One hand cupping her rounded belly, she made her way out of her office, locking the door with a sigh. She was just about to head for the exit at the end of the hall when Charlotte suddenly poked her head out of the break room. “Lynn, can you come in here for a second? Just wanted to ask you a question about something.”

Charlotte disappeared back into the break room before Lynn could respond.

With a sigh, Lynn made her way towards the break room. It wasn’t unusual for Charlotte to want to speak to her in private. They were friends, after all. Lynn opened the door.


The exclamations of nearly two dozen people caused Lynn to freeze and stare around at colleagues and various other employees cluttered in the room while grinning broadly. There were decorations, a cake, and even clusters of blue and pink balloons. Lynn immediately recognized the celebration for what it was. Her puzzlement turned to horror.

Oh god, she thought, the humiliation overwhelming. She felt dizzy as she feebly grabbed the doorknob behind her. She wanted to run away. How could they think that she was…

Congratulations! read one of the balloons.

Oh Baby! read another.

Lynn’s face felt as though it had caught on fire.

It was a baby shower.

Some of her colleagues laughed good-naturedly at Lynn’s shock, pleased that they had caught her by surprise.

“We know you had a rough year,” said Charlotte, who was standing in front of the crowd. “But there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. We couldn’t be happier for you. Congratulations, Lynn!”

Everyone applauded and laughed as Lynn stood there frozen, almost wanting to die at that very moment. Finally, the voices and clapping died down, the jovial looks becoming those of concern.

“Is she alright?” someone whispered.

“Lynn, what’s wrong? Do you need to sit down?” Charlotte asked, her brows creasing in worry.

Parting her dry lips, Lynn tried to say something. She wasn’t sure it was decipherable.

“Someone get her some water!” Charlotte called out. She leaned closer to Lynn. “What is it, hun?”

“I’m not pregnant,” Lynn rasped.

Despite the quietness of her voice, the room seemed to freeze. People were stunned as they looked around at each other. Charlotte’s alarmed gaze shot down to Lynn’s abdomen, then up again.

“What did she say?” whispered someone further in the back.

“She’s not pregnant?” said one of the janitors, his eyebrows shooting up.

Lynn could take no more. She managed to turn the doorknob and hurry out of the room, stumbling somewhat. She leaned on the wall, breathing heavily, and feeling like she might be sick. She had never been so embarrassed in her life. Her gaze shifted to her belly. Was it really that bad?

Lynn tensed when she heard someone follow her out of the room. Rigidly, she looked up at Charlotte.

“God Lynn, I’m so sorry. You were just being so secretive lately, and then with your —” Charlotte motioned vaguely at Lynn’s torso. “I kind of just assumed. You know how I get. I’m so damn smug and full of myself. I can be a complete know-it-all, it’s like I just create these freakin’ narratives in my head sometimes. This is all my fault. I told everyone, and I’m the one who organized the party. God, I just feel awful. I am so, so sorry, Lynn.”

Charlotte looked ready to cry. Lynn knew she meant it. Charlotte had always been a kind, easy-going person around the practice.

“It’s okay,” Lynn responded, trying to offer comfort, even though she was the one who needed it at that moment. “It’s…it was an honest mistake. I know I gained a lot of weight recently.”

“No, you’re fine. You look trim!” Charlotte insisted, unconvincingly. She wiped her nose on her sleeve, sniffling.

Lynn sighed, her physical exhaustion now joined by a heavy, mental fatigue. “Well…I think I’m just going to head home now. We’ll talk later.” Lynn gave a pained smile.

“Wait, don’t go,” Charlotte blurted. She didn’t want to leave things as they were, so awkward and unpleasant. “Let me take you out. To make it up to you. We haven’t had a girls’ night in ages, just the two of us.”

Lynn didn’t think she could refuse her, not when Charlotte looked so on edge, so full of self-resentment. “Okay,” Lynn managed.

“Perfect. Does 6 work?”

Lynn nodded. “I just have to stop home. Want to meet at our usual spot?”

“Yes, that’s perfect. I’ll see you there!” Charlotte said, eagerly watching Lynn’s every move as finally, Lynn made her way to the exit, and left the practice.


Hina had been gone for two days.

John dropped her off shortly after Lynn got in from work. Hina glared and stomped up to her bedroom, clearly giving Lynn the silent treatment.

Lynn was halfway through a glass of wine, though it certainly wasn’t helping her waistline. She walked over to John who was leaning on the front doorframe, his expression wry. His eyes widened when he saw Lynn, his eyes traveling over her figure.

Lynn knew she should have been used to the odd looks by then, though she couldn’t help the latest wave of embarrassment that washed over her.

“She is completely out of control,” Lynn said, not addressing John’s gaze. “Hina’s a food-addict. It’s not normal—I think I’d need to put her in therapy or something.”

John seemed to recover from his surprise. “I don’t see it as an issue. She has a fast metabolism. Do you think that your concerns might just be…misdirected?” He gestured toward Lynn’s bulging abdomen.

Lynn tensed in fury. She could always rely on her ex-husband to worsen an already shitty day. “Fuck off, John,” she said hoarsely, hoping he couldn’t see the tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

Raising his arms in surrender, John backed away. “Always a pleasure,” he said sarcastically.

She slammed the door shut in his face.


Lynn felt ridiculous going out that day, but she was reliable, if nothing else. Feeling more self-conscious than ever before, she walked into her and Charlotte’s favorite margarita spot.

Lynn usually opted for a simple blouse and skirt, but none of her tops were particularly…adequate anymore.

She had been forced to opt for a sleeveless black dress that was at least stretchy enough to accommodate her. The piece was usually knee-length, but now it was riding up, a few inches higher than usual.

When Lynn walked in, Charlotte grinned and waved her over from the bar. Lynn gingerly approached and awkwardly eased herself up into the bar stool beside her colleague’s. Lynn felt herself blush under the odd looks she got from the bartender and a few of the other patrons. Did they think she was pregnant as well?

Charlotte quickly bought her a drink, and after the incident earlier, Lynn accepted it gratefully. In only a few minutes, Lynn was pleasantly tipsy. She felt her anxieties melting away, her body relaxing as she and Charlotte chattered about work, their families, and even some therapeutic techniques. It was delightfully nerdy, and Lynn was starting to feel like herself for the first time in a while.

She even managed to ignore the tightening of her stomach, at least for a little while. She had assumed that Hina was enjoying an afternoon snack, but it had been going on for too long now. Lynn fidgeted and tried to maintain her smile.

“Well, I’m glad you seem to be cheering up,” Charlotte said as they clinked glasses, each on their third beverage.

“Yeah, I think I needed this,” Lynn managed. “Thanks for inviting me out.” She absently tugged at her dress.

Though a mother, and divorced, Lynn was still only thirty-six and an attractive woman. By this point in happy hour, she was usually treated to a drink or two by a male admirer. But not tonight. Instead, People were continuing to send her puzzled looks. Lynn inhaled deeply.

“Of course!” Charlotte said.

Lynn was getting truly uncomfortable. Hina only seemed to be revving up in her consumption. “I’m gonna run to the bathroom,” Lynn breathed.

Charlotte nodded as Lynn eased herself off her barstool. Lynn could feel sweat forming on her temples.

When she got to the bathroom, she closed it quickly behind her, and practically staggered to the sink, gripping it tightly. With a shaking hand, she cradled her belly. It felt drum-tight, now quivering as she breathed. Her face scrunched as she stumbled back to lean against one of the walls.

“Mmgghhhh…” she hummed, rubbing her belly as gently as she could, but this didn’t do anything for the increasing tension. Her dress was even tighter on her than before, sliding higher, as though she was growing by the moment. She felt tight enough to pop.

There was a gentle knock on the bathroom door. “You okay in there?” called a female voice. Maybe another patron waiting in line, or one of the workers.

Lynn opened her eyes, uncertain of how much time had passed as she stood there enduring the strain. “J-just a minute,” she stammered, shifting her weight back onto her feet. She started forward but whined at a stitch of pain in her gut. Gasping for breath, she stood stiff and straight, her belly throbbing as though it had its own independent pulse.

When Lynn caught her reflection in the mirror, she couldn’t believe that she looked as though she could have been six months pregnant when she wasn’t pregnant at all.

She had to get out of the bathroom. Charlotte was waiting for her. But christ, this couldn’t go on. She had to get through to Hina somehow before things went too far.

Lynn knew that she couldn’t force Hina into therapy. Hina was eighteen now, and technically an adult. It didn’t seem that Lynn could make her daughter do anything anymore.

Perhaps it was time for a different approach. A mother/daughter heart-to-heart.


Joshua S

Love it so much! I missed this series.


Great story! Is she actually going to get pregnant somehow?