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Summary: A young man in college with a male pregnancy fetish pumps himself full of fertility medicine. He then purposefully gets pregnant by his boyfriend. As his belly grows, so does his discomfort, regret, and horror in realization that pregnancy is not all that he thought it would be. Conversely, his boyfriend's interest and fascination in male pregnancy grow, and he begins to first secretly, then blatantly attempt to do whatever he can do to make the lad's pregnant belly as big as possible. Idea submitted by NLH

Previous Chapter 


Andrew was on his way back from the gas station when his cell phone rang. He glanced at the screen then pulled the car over. It was his oldest brother Mitchell, who lived a few towns over. At twenty-five, Mitchell was making good money as a web developer and even had his own place. It was the type of situation Andrew was striving for. He wanted to be successful, independent, and moving forward.

“What the hell were you thinking?” Mitchell said the moment Andrew answered the call.

Andrew gazed absently at the passing cars. It was weird how everything had changed so suddenly. He and Elliott had gone from being blissfully happy to feeling burdened and embarrassed. When they had moved into Andrew’s childhood home, they had become subject to judgment and condemnation.

It seemed that as soon as other people got involved, Elliott’s pregnancy had been contorted into something negative. Life had been so peaceful and orderly before. He and Elliott had been on their way to getting college degrees, good jobs, and figuring things out together. Making everything work, somehow. But now, Elliott had gotten cut off by his family. Everything had changed, and Andrew felt like an idiot.

“We weren’t thinking,” Andrew said, honestly. “And I get it. This is kind of a mess right now. But me and Elliott — we’re happy.”

Mitchell scoffed, “Are you listening to yourself? This is insane.

Andrew’s face flushed in irritation. “Even if it’s insane, this isn’t helping.”

“Can’t you guys just…” Mitchell cleared his throat suggestively.

“No, it’s too late,” Andrew retorted. He wasn’t offended, he just felt protective. Yet he wasn’t sure who he was protecting. The babies? Even Elliott had been ambivalent when he had found out there were five of them. But Andrew had pushed the decision to keep them. Andrew couldn’t even say he was or had ever been very keen on the idea of being a father, yet somehow he had become the biggest advocate for the pregnancy to go forward.

Mitchell gave a low whistle. “I don’t envy you, man. You fuckers are insane. First you want to be gay — okay, fine. But now there’s trans and all these random fucking genders — and I can tolerate that too. Fuck it. But now you people are just trying to push things. Like, trying your hardest to be special. Male pregnancy? Quints? Dude, you’re twenty.”

Andrew was getting annoyed. “Did Dad tell you to call me?” he asked, ignoring his brother’s offensive rant.

“Yeah, I don’t think he can stomach you right now.”

“That’s convenient with us under his roof.”

Mitchell laughed. “I better get back to work. I’ll come see you when I get the chance.”

“Please don’t,” Andrew groaned.

“You kidding? I’m about to become an uncle. Fivefold.”

“I just wish all you idiots would stop treating Elliott like a zoo animal.”

Mitchell snorted. “I’m sure he loves the attention. Isn’t that what he wanted? He signed up for this, right?”

“Not exactly…”

“Talk to you later, you dumb fuck.”

When the line went dead, Andrew lowered the phone. He leaned back in his seat and sighed.


At the house, Andrew’s father was avoiding him. When they did cross paths, the older man only offered Andrew a grim look and a nod. It was times like these that made Andrew appreciate that his father had always been quiet. Andrew and Elliott had been the target of too many unsolicited opinions as it was.

It was difficult for Andrew and Elliott to adjust to the new living situation. It just sucked on every level, and there were so many random variables. And no privacy. It was truly putting a strain on their brand-new marriage. Even when Andrew and Elliott were alone in the room together, it never felt like they were alone. It was only a matter of time before someone else was knocking on their door, calling for their presence or input. Asking questions about their plans, intruding in every way they could. And Andrew had to answer to his parents, because he was under their roof and at their mercy.

The walls were thin. Andrew and Elliott could hardly have a private conversation, let alone do anything else. Elliott was miserable, and probably starting to hate him. Andrew was miserable too, but that hardly seemed important. He would think back to their recent honeymoon and wonder what the hell had happened in such a short span of time. How had their lives been so utterly transformed?


“Has it really only been a week?” Elliott said wearily.

They were in Andrew’s car, which seemed even more cramped than the room at the house. It was evening time after they had finished up one of their longer days of classes at the campus, most of the parking lot empty except for a few stray cars.

Andrew gazed at the loose shirt Elliott was wearing. Elliott had gotten lucky at the clothing drive the university had hosted the day before, coming out of it with some huge T-shirts and even the button-down he was currently wearing.

Elliott was presently slumped in his seat and Andrew couldn’t help noticing how close Elliott’s belly was to pressing right into the dashboard in front of him.

Andrew reached out, taking his hand, intertwining their fingers.

Elliott sighed resignedly, resting his head on Andrew’s shoulder. “God, I miss you,” Elliott said.

“We’re together like twenty hours a day.”

“That’s not what I mean.”

Andrew smiled. “Well, I’m here now.”

Elliott gave a glance around the car, rolling his eyes. “I don’t think we can actually do much in here.

“We can probably figure something out,” Andrew said as he leaned over and kissed him, fingers twisting through Elliott’s hair, then trailing to his throat, and lower. His fingers hastily undid buttons as Elliott gripped his shirt, pulling him closer.

Elliott seemed desperate for contact. Of any sort. He didn’t even fight when Andrew kissed his breasts again, finding a nipple and tracing it with his tongue. It seemed twice the size that it had been pre-pregnancy. Andrew wrapped his lips around it and gave a gentle suck.

Elliott groaned, pulling Andrew closer. Just as Andrew had suspected, Elliott’s sensitivity had given way to pleasure.

Andrew continued to nip and suck the tender nubs as his hands explored Elliott’s body, tracing every curve of it. He could not believe how big the babies were getting. Elliott was doing so good. He was filling up, growing more and more.

“God, I’m hungry,” Elliott groaned after several minutes of Andrew’s teasing. “And this is infuriating. I fucking want you inside of me.”

Andrew could tell that Elliott was hard and would have happily helped him out, had he thought it was possible in their positions, geometrically speaking. Instead, he addressed Elliot’s other need.

“Fast food run? The Wally’s drive-thru is open all night.”

“God, yes,” Elliott breathed as Andrew chuckled and started the car.


Elliott offered a sleepy smile early the next morning. These smiles seemed few and far between these days, and Andrew felt a warm, soppy feeling overcome him. The two were facing each other on the mattress.

“We have to try harder at this,” Andrew murmured.

“At what?”


Elliott gave a hum, looking both amused and delighted.

Was Andrew just imagining it, or did Elliott’s nipples looked even bigger under the tank top stretched over him? And his breasts as a whole looked a little different. Fuller. Andrew wondered whether Elliott had noticed it himself.

“I don’t think anyone is up yet…” Elliott noted pointedly.

Andrew raised his eyebrows, then hurriedly kissed him.

Intimacy was getting increasingly awkward the more Elliott grew. Andrew just wanted to explore every part of Elliott’s body. He wanted to explore all the pleasure he could rouse and derive from his spouse. He wanted to explore every dimension of Elliott’s expanding body.

Elliott whined, covering his mouth.

“You’re so sensitive,” Andrew taunted, again sucking Elliot’s nipples, fascinated by Elliott’s reactions.

Elliott’s hips twitched and rocked, his dick hard and straining his boxers. Andrew wondered if he could get Elliott to come just from nipple-play.

Suddenly there were muffled voices followed by that flinch-inducing thundering of feet on the stairs above them.

Elliott started to babble something breathy and indecipherable, but was cut off by Andrew’s kiss. Andrew hastily shoved his hand into Elliott’s pants. He finished Elliott off with a few sharp tugs, then kissed his moans away.

Well, he got the job done, at least.


Andrew was struggling to keep up with his college coursework, and the commute was longer now. Elliott got permission to attend a lot of his classes online, but he still had to make appearances in person from time to time. Elliott took a temporary leave from the café until they could figure out the logistics better. With these changes to their schedules, Elliott was at home a lot more than Andrew was these days. Andrew felt bad leaving Elliott to fend for himself in a place where he felt awkward, unwelcome, and embarrassed. Elliott spent most of his time hiding away in their small, depressing bedroom.

Except when he was asked to help out around the house, which Andrew thought was ridiculous. Still, Elliott was made to water plants from time to time, or babysit Becca at Martha’s request. It wasn’t as though he could say no.

“Well, it’s good practice,” Martha told Elliott with a strained smile. “Watching Becca is going to seem like a cakewalk in a few months.”

Elliott reddened and didn’t respond.

Andrew was stressed. They had no money, and no prospects of leaving. He still had two more years of schooling before he could even hope to apply for jobs.

Andrew came home from the university one evening. Elliott was sitting on the living room couch, looking flushed and relieved. He had evidently been babysitting Becca who was dancing around while shrieking a song that nearly made Andrew’s ears bleed.

“Okay, that’s enough!” Andrew called over his little sister. “Good job, Becca. You have to rest your voice for next time.”

The front door banged open again. “I’m home!” Wyatt called out to no one in particular, all muddied up from football practice. He trampled into the kitchen, leaving dirty scuff marks on the floor.

Becca fluttered after Wyatt, probably hoping to piggyback on whatever he was getting out of the fridge.

Andrew rolled his eyes, helping Elliott to his feet. “I hope she didn’t drive you crazy,” he said, unable to help smiling as Elliott’s belly bumped lightly into his torso. He looked like he could have been eight months pregnant by then.

Elliott seemed immensely uncomfortable. “I…ahhh… I’m just gonna go to the room for a minute.”

“You okay?”

Elliott waved him off as he waddled to their room.

“What the fuck!” Wyatt shouted.

“Hey, stop cursing,” Andrew said as he walked into the kitchen.

Wyatt was rummaging in the cupboard. “We’re out of peanut butter already? God, your boyfriend is a bottomless pit!”

“Husband. And he’s pregnant with five babies.”

Wyatt snorted.

“Be nicer,” Andrew told him, before he walked out and headed for the room he shared with Elliott. When he went inside, Elliott looked close to tears.

“Don’t let them get to you,” Andrew said.

But Elliott was hardly listening. He had shed his shirt and was fumbling with the compression vest wrapped snug around his chest.


“It hurts,” Elliott whined.

Andrew immediately started to help him undo the clasps. “Why would you wear something if it’s hurting you?”

Andrew undid the last clasp, and suddenly Elliott’s breasts were free. They looked flushed and bloated, round and heaving. Andrew stared at the perfect perky mounds, wondering when Elliott had gone up a cup size.

Andrew couldn’t help stepping closer. “Well, it doesn’t seem to hurt when I…”

“Fuck…” Elliott groaned when Andrew dragged his tongue across one of his puffy areolas. Then Andrew began to pepper it with kisses, adding suction as he gently nipped the flesh with increasing roughness. Then he gave in and sucked. He sucked hard as Elliott moaned, Elliot trying to muffle the noise on the sleeve of his shirt.

Andrew was beginning to suspect that the more he sucked on Elliott’s nipples, the bigger Elliott’s breasts seemed to get. It just made him want to do it more.

There was a banging on the door that caused both men to freeze.

“Mom and Dad are home. They want to talk to you guys!” Wyatt shouted.

Andrew sighed, lifting his head. He listened to the sound of feet shuffling off as he held Elliott against him, enjoying the sensation of his firm roundness of his body. They really couldn’t seem catch even a moment of privacy together.

“What do you think this is about?” Elliott said nervously. He glanced at the compression vest lying on the bed beside his shirt. “Fuck, I can’t put that back on.”

“You shouldn’t.”

Elliott gave a questioning look as he pulled out of Andrew’s embrace.

Andrew motioned to Elliott’s chest. “This is happening for a reason. It’s--natural, so why fight it?”

“It’s embarrassing. I have fucking tits,” Elliott said, his face pink.

“And you’re pregnant. Who cares?”

“You don’t get it.”

“Clearly.” Andrew went into a drawer, finding a tank top Elliott had long outgrown. “Just wear this. Or two of them. It will give you a little support, at least, and your nipples won’t be so…er…visible.” The nubs really were swollen, probably no thanks to Andrew’s recent obsession with them.

Elliott cleared his throat. “At this rate, I might as well wear a bra.”

Andrew raised an eyebrow. He thought that might not be a bad idea.

“Fuck off,” Elliott said, lowering himself to the bed. It seemed that he had no intention of speaking to Andrew’s parents that evening.

Andrew leaned down to kiss Elliott’s head. “We’ll continue this conversation later.” Or not.

Then Andrew left to see what his parents wanted.

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