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Note: This is a story-prompt for Zee(mired). It is based on a plotline submitted previously by Smidgeon.

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Jade had checked out.


She had gotten cold and bratty, often snapping, even at Jack sometimes. Jack wasn’t sure if this was just a normal side of Jade he had yet to discover. The two were still new to marriage and living together.

And Jack suspected that Jade’s bad manners were mostly related to her mother. Kathleen’s overbearing presence had been uncomfortable enough when they had first married, and now Kathleen was always around. She had practically moved in!

But it was to be expected. Right now she needed more help than ever, given the drastic nature of her condition.

It was ironic, to be honest. The goal had been payback, but somehow Kathleen had drawn Jack and Jade into her suffering. Now she was driving Jade away, leaving Jack to step up. And how could he refuse?

Sure, he and Jade had plotted the scheme jointly. But it had been Jack’s skills that had brought the concept to reality. It had been his medical expertise, and his very own hands that had done the procedure.

By then, Kathleen had moved in to their guestroom. She had always insisted that it should have been set up as a nursery for her future “grandbabies.” And now it was her room. It was fitting, somehow.

“Jaaacckk!” Kathleen’s annoying voice called out from the room in question.

Jack frowned, lowering his beer.

He had figured Kathleen would be deeply immersed in her afternoon nap. She had just returned from Bible study, groaning and sweating as she waddled arduously. Jack was honestly impressed by her mobility.

(“I raised five boisterous boys, one more pregnancy isn’t going to stop me!”)

Jack had also been perplexed by her willingness to go back to church. But then, it was her sanctuary. It was how she maintained her holier-than-thou attitude, always looking down on those who didn’t adhere to her unmalleable morals. Somehow she could not be cowed, even when she was the target of the stares and whispers. Of course, she had to peddle her narrative. She was doing all this just to “help the kids out.”

(“You know Jade doesn’t have the hips for childbirth!”)

With a sigh, Jack headed for the guestroom. The door was open a crack, so he let himself inside.

As always, he had to pause and marvel at just how big Kathleen was getting. She had to be growing by inches every day. Unable to avert his eyes, Jack gulped.

She was still in the dress she’d been wearing to Bible study. Her latest wardrobe was comprised of the biggest maternity pieces she could find online, yet they still didn’t fit her. The dress was dark red, meant to fit loosely, but it was skintight on her. It looked as though it was truly straining, stretched to capacity, while hugging her voluptuous figure.

It hid nothing. The fabric was pasted so closely, Jack could make out every detail of her curves, her swollen nipples, even her bulging belly button.

“I can’t believe you idiots put five in me! What were you thinking?” Kathleen grumbled distractedly as she fidgeted and struggled. She was seated on the edge of the bed, her belly looking massive where it sat on her lap. The thing was bigger than a beach ball. It resembled a boulder, squashing against her, taking up as much space as it could.

“You called?” Jack groused.

Kathleen glared up at him, panting heavily, her cheeks flushed prettily. “Help me with my zipper.” She motioned behind her with her thumb.

Jack hesitated. “Shouldn’t we wait for Jade…” Of course, Jade was still at pilates, and who knew when she would come home? Pilates was often followed by cosmos with the girls, and sometimes a movie. Jack hardly got five minutes of her time most days.

And even if Jade had been around, Jack was almost certain she would have just sent him to deal with Kathleen, as usual. Lately, Jade had no qualms with putting Jack in all these uncomfortable situations related to helping his mother-in-law.

“Get over here!” Kathleen shrieked.

Jack was jolted into action. He quickly got behind her, his trembling hand taking hold of the zipper behind her.

He slid it down just a little, causing the fabric to loosen and sink at her chest, and over her shoulder he could see the revelation of her firmly pressed cleavage, her breasts as big and round as volleyballs, always gushing milk at inconvenient moments.

Jack drew a deep breath and dragged the zipper down just a bit more. It started to jam, at conflict with the tension of the dress pulling against it.

Kathleen groaned. “I… I think…ohhhhhh….!”

It was happening. That thing that Jack wasn’t supposed to gaze at so indulgently. His cock stirred in interest as Kathleen squirmed and moaned, the abdomen of the dress getting tighter as her belly swelled and more of her cleavage heaved into the open. Her belly was pushing and pulsing, inching outward as Kathleen grunted and strained, her face twisted in discomfort.

It was already so immense! Jack could hardly believe her capacity, as he watched Kathleen’s belly go from impossibly huge to just stupidly gigantic, probably bigger than the rest of her. She whined and struggled, grabbing what she could of Jack’s shirt behind her.

When it was over, she was gasping for breath. Jack became uncomfortably aware that she was leaning back against him.

He scrambled away, mortified. He prayed she hadn’t felt his very prominent arousal behind her.

“I uh… I have to go,” Jack stammered as Kathleen gazed wearily up at him, still puffing out breaths of air as her hands cradled her massive abdomen.

Jack backed toward the door and stumbled out.




Damn, Jack getting tired milf bedroom eyes. Jade's about to lose her man to her own mom lol