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Summary: In his career, Logan likes to fuck his competition. Literally. He gets them pregnant and they get out of his way. Contains: Female: pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, multiples, weight gain, stuffing.

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In only a couple of days, Sarah had put the baby shower together. Logan was surprised by the number of people who came out for the party.

“It’s so strange to be here at night,” Sarah said. She was behind the counter in a short pink tube dress that hugged her figure. As usual, the material was thin and stretchy, truly showing off Sarah’s huge belly and the rapidly-growing tits that sat plump on her chest.

She was putting together more of those milkshakes. She seemed to have the servers delivering them to her constantly. There was seldom a moment that Logan didn’t see her drinking one. Even when she was eating her outrageously fattening meals, it was always in between sips of those liter-sized shakes.

The discovery of what she put in them was both concerning and nauseating.

Lots of ice cream. Logan watched her dump several scoops of double chocolate fudge ice cream into the blender. Next was sugar – several spoons of it, followed by a cup of heavy cream, a whole fucking stick of butter, some more ice cream, a scoop of shortening – god – half a bottle of chocolate syrup, and even a couple of those lactation pills.

It was just disgusting. Logan tried not to wrinkle his nose as Sarah started the blender. In twenty seconds, all the ingredients were mixed into a gelatinous pile of mush.

Sarah then split the concoction between two huge glasses. She finished with a smile, opening her mouth as though to speak, but instead grimacing.

“You okay?” Logan said.

“Y-yes…ohhh…” Her belly trembled. It did that sometimes. Logan’s eyes shot down to the movement. He watched as it gave another visible shudder.

Then the mound seemed to jump, making Sarah yelp. Logan’s hands instinctively shot down, his hands cupping the huge swell practically overwhelming the girl’s body.

She looked at him with a tight smile. “Lots of—activity,” she panted.

The swell was full and firm, and felt as though it was throbbing. She was just so big. She looked as though she could have been due with quads by then, her belly button pressing hard against his palm.

Belatedly, Logan withdrew his hands. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine,” Sarah said. “I’m still getting used to it myself. It’s…been a journey.”

While one of her hands cupped the side of her abdomen, Sarah finished putting together her gross beverages. Logan couldn’t help looking at the way her belly pressed into the counter, creating an awkward barrier through her efforts.

Logan’s eyes caught sight of something white and powdery. Sarah was now sprinkling something into the drink on the left. “This one’s for Kat,” Sarah explained.

Logan raised an eyebrow.

“Just something to help with her appetite,” Sarah elaborated as she waved at the woman in question, motioning for Kat to come over.

Kat had been leaning back against a wall, a (virgin) margarita in hand she glared around. Though sulky, she obediently came over to the counter, her eyes questioning as she approached.

“Made you a snack,” Sarah said, taking Kat’s margarita and replacing it with the milkshake, the one with the powder.

Kat blinked in confusion before her face twisted into a scowl. “Thanks,” she spat with sarcasm.

“Drink it all. I think you’ll love it,” Sarah said, smiling as she took a sip of her own shake. It seemed that Sarah had abandoned those fat boba tea straws, at least for the moment, as she brought the glass directly to her lips.

“This place is becoming a clown show,” Kat grumbled, not quite under her breath, as she sauntered off. She took a taste of her milkshake and cringed. Nonetheless, she continued to drink it.

“Well, it’s working,” Logan muttered with a shrug.

He looked back at Sarah who was now veritably chugging her shake, already halfway through it, just forcing it down. When she finished it off, she lowered the glass and wiped her mouth, while breathing heavily through her nose. Her cheeks were rosy, lips pressed tight.

“You want to sit down?” said Logan.

Sarah hummed in response, still trying to gather her bearings as she started to sweat from her temples. Finally, she looked like she might say something, but then her cheeks got redder, and she took another moment.

“You okay? I can get you some water,” Logan offered.

“N-no,” Sarah gasped out. “It’s fine, I think, ohh… I t-think the babies are just-” She gave a long groan which she tried to muffle with the tips of her fingers.

Her dress was getting tighter. It wasn’t just movement; the fabric was thinning, pressing closer and firmer against her skin. Her breasts were being heaved higher, more of her cleavage pushing out against the perilously deep neckline of her dress.

The dress was getting shorter as well, pulling and hugging against her plump backside.

The swell rose and fell with her gasping breaths, then it tightened a little more, until the dress looked on the cusp of tearing in places.

When the growth spurt finally ended, Sarah was panting and gripping what she could reach of the counter. Logan could hardly imagine just how big she was going to get. At this rate, Sarah would be gigantic by the time she reached term.

He watched her struggle to catch her breath and regain her composure. Lately, Sarah seemed less like a poised businesswoman, and more like the overwhelmed nineteen-year-old that she was. It had been a while since Logan had seen this side of her; not since Asia. It was fascinating to watch Sarah fluctuate between the two as her pregnancy got more demanding, got to be more than she could handle. After all, it was hard to prepare for something so…so considerable.

Logan helped her over to a chair, where she gingerly eased herself down, looking flustered. Logan gazed at the way her belly pressed the edge of the table, keeping her from even being able to reach it, were she intending to eat.

Sarah leaned back, still breathing hard, her belly perched heavily in her lap.

Logan noticed a couple of men in his peripheral vision. The shadows of patrons, tentatively inching closer, perhaps hoping to ask Sarah how she was doing.

Of course, Sarah wasn’t in a uniform or a name tag. She could have been another customer as far as anyone else knew. This fact, paired with Logan beside her, made people reluctant to approach with their indulgent intentions.

“It seems like everyone’s enjoying themselves,” Logan said as he looked around the café. He sat down in the chair beside Sarah’s, rather satisfied to monopolize her at that moment.

And the turnout really was surprising. After all, it was an evening event at a brand-new café that was catered to…to those who appreciated a certain body-type. Of course, all the employees had come whether or not they were working, looking to celebrate the occasion with Toni, but so did a sizable crowd of customers. The place was packed, and Logan could hardly believe how profoundly the café had changed in only a couple of weeks.

The lighting had been changed for the event, the tones darker and more sensual, the vibe and the soundtrack matching those found in a bar. It wasn’t loud by any means. Just, comfortable.

Logan watched the waitresses giggling and chattering as they flirted with the customers that surrounded them. There were also several new employees Sarah had hired only in the last few days. These women appeared puzzled but entertained all the same.

Logan’s attention returned to Sarah, who looked so uncharacteristically tired compared to the way she was during the day. But it must have been hard for her, working into the evening, given her condition. She should have been resting, yet Logan rather liked this. Sarah exhausted and uncomfortable, for once not hiding the strain.

Logan had noticed that Sarah had started progressively easing away from her authority. She was giving Kat and Logan more room to make decisions and direct the workers. She was letting them spread their wings, so to speak.

“You’ve done well,” Logan told her.

One of the servers arrived. She was wearing a tight jumpsuit, her abdomen sporting a gentle curve. The girl was looking around bemused at everything as she offered Sarah another huge milkshake, this one with a large straw protruding out.

“Here you go, boss. I…er…put in everything you said to. You want one every hour, on the hour, right?”

“Oh, I already just had – actually, yes, this is perfect, Claudia. Thank you.” Sarah forced a smile as she tried to sit a little straighter.

Claudia responded with an awkward grin then backed away. Logan watched Sarah do her best to lean toward the table so she could pull the straw to her lips. Sarah took a long suck that lasted thirty seconds or so. Then she huffed out the breath she had been holding in, before slumping again in her chair. Her hands clutched her belly while her nose scrunched. As the mass gave a shiver, Sarah squirmed and groaned, rubbing the orb.

“Everything is working out,” Sarah said wispily. She motioned wearily at the party.

“But is it practical?” Logan inquired. “Three of the waitresses are already going on maternity leave in the next few weeks.” And who knew if they would even return to their jobs, once confronted with the reality of a newborn.

“The numbers don’t lie, Logan. Even with the turnaround, it works. We’re thriving,” Sarah said.

“Anything for you, Logan?” Another waitress had come over, this one plumper than the last one. She fluttered her eyelashes prettily at him.

Logan was still having a hard time looking at anything other than Sarah. “Gin and tonic, thanks,” Logan said. They had a full bar that evening. This party had certainly opened the door for other events. “This is amazing, Sarah.”

Sarah gave an amused little quirk of her lips. “I’ll be leaving soon,” she admitted. “I almost don’t want to. Nurturing this place has been so meaningful for me. And then there’s Kat.” Sarah’s gaze drifted to where the woman in question was standing in a corner, apart from everyone else. “You’ll take care of her, won’t you?”

It was an intriguing question. Certainly Sarah couldn’t have known about the two of them – that Logan was the father of Kat’s baby. It was common knowledge that Logan and Kat despised each other, even past the veil of professionalism.

But there was something about Kat that just made her different from everyone else, in spite of it all. Logan couldn’t deny that it drew him to her, whatever it was. It roused something that was troubling and sinister. “Oh, I’ll take care of her,” Logan assured.

“Here’s your drink,” the last waitress said when she returned, winking as she handed Logan his beverage. “Oh, and Sarah, this package came for you.” She held up a box balanced in her other hand.

“Perfect. I was waiting for this,” Sarah said as she fumbled to stand. Logan quickly got up to help her. Sarah braced her hand against the back her chair as Logan supported her shoulder. She grunted as she finally heaved herself up, her belly shoving outward. God, the thing was massive.

It took the waitress a moment to tear her eyes away from Sarah’s orb and walk off, looking stunned. Sarah was busily ripping open the box.

“What is all this?” Logan asked as Sarah dug out several pill bottles packaged together. He took a sip of his drink as he counted them: six by six for thirty-six bottles.

Sarah lifted one of the bottles. It looked like something one might pick up at a drugstore.

“It’s a supplement I heard about. The science behind it is pretty impressive. Thought we could test it out at the café. It would be fun to try something a little different.” Sarah grinned, still clearly breathless.

“What does it do?”

“It makes your butt grow bigger.”

Logan choked as some of his gin went down the wrong pipe. He coughed several times to clear his lungs, then managed, “W-why?” Why had Sarah been interested, and why would she go on to purchase such a product?

“Why not?” Sarah said brightly.


“This place is weird,” mentioned a passing Mia as she fanned her chest with a menu.

“Exciting, right? Diana said she would try it out,” Sarah went on.

Who the hell is Diana?

Sarah read Logan’s questioning look. “She’s one of the new-hires,” she said, eagerly waving someone over.

A moment later, a twenty-something woman slouched over. Logan had been wondering about this particular hire: Neither plump nor pregnant (as far as Logan knew), she had an average build and a blithe demeanor, her wavy hair tied back in a ponytail.

“The instructions say once a day, in the evenings,” Sarah informed Diana as she handed her the bottle.

“Sure,” Diana said as she peeled off the cover. She shrugged at Logan’s baffled expression. “I’ve taken worse stuff for less.”

“Really?” Sarah said, interested.

“You know, like, coke. Oh, and clinical trial drugs. Weird stuff.”

“You’re so funny,” Sarah giggled, swatting Diana’s arm.

It didn’t seem like Diana was joking.

“Should we really be getting involved in so many pharmaceuticals?” Logan said nervously. “We’re a café, not a pharmacy.”

“It’s not a drug, it’s a supplement,” Sarah corrected him. “It’s all completely legal.”

It probably doesn’t do anything anyway, Logan reasoned as he downed the rest of his beverage. Just some snake-oil she found online. Sarah was a teenager. This was all silly, really.

“Bottoms up,” Diana said as she tipped a pill (or several) into her mouth straight from the bottle.

Next Chapter 


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