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Note: This is a story-prompt for Zee(mired). It is based on a plotline submitted previously by Smidgeon.

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Kathleen was growing even beyond Jack’s expectations.

Of course, they had implanted her with five fast-growing, very-hungry, genetically-engineered embryos. In consequence, she was just getting massive. She could hardly walk around on her own anymore, at least not without some help.

“Geez mom, pregnancy really suits you,” Jade mocked as she watched Jack arduously help Kathleen to the medical bed which had been lowered enough for Kathleen to easily plop her plushy ass down against it. “Why, you’re glowing.”

Jade’s contempt for pregnancy was fairly evident. Jack, in contrast, thought he might be warming up to it.

“You brat,” Kathleen gasped out, all pink and sweaty, barely able to catch her breath. She was now seated on the bed, her massive belly squashing her lap. “How dare you make fun of me after what you’ve done. Always taking shortcuts, Jade. Don’t want to carry a child yourself, so have your mother do it! Motherhood should be seen as an honor. It is every woman’s duty —”

“Here we go again!” Jade rolled her eyes.

“— to have spent eighteen years of my life raising such an ungrateful —”

Jack hardly heard the argument. He had gotten used to them, after all. He was still standing close to Kathleen, supporting her arm and her back as his mind swam oddly. His side was touching her abdomen, and he could detect the faintest nudges of movement even through his shirt.

“I am so disappointed in you,” Kathleen went on breathlessly. Her face had only gotten redder, her lips twisting oddly as one hand cupped the side of her belly.

Shocker,” said Jade sarcastically, her arms crossed.

Kathleen groaned, her belly shuddering. It rolled outward, just an inch. She was having these little growth spurts all the time. Jack stared as the swell heaved up and down with Kathleen’s heavy breathing.


Jack snapped out of his reverie to see his wife raising an eyebrow at him.

“Sorry. Erm…right, let’s run some scans.”

They had already done bloodwork. Kathleen’s hormone levels were off the charts. Now it was time to see what was going on inside of her.

Jack helped Kathleen recline across the bed. He didn’t want her flat on her back, so he made sure that the top half of the bed was adjusted enough that Kathleen was seated mostly upright, the weight of her belly shifted on her lap and pelvis rather than against her torso and lungs. Kathleen’s cheeks were puffed out as she breathed heavily, looking a bit like a blowfish as she recovered from the simple maneuver.

“Okay, so I’ll just…” Jack’s fingers quavered slightly as he took hold of the bottom of the hospital gown Kathleen had on. It only covered half of her belly, which made it ridiculous for Jack to be nervous as he steadily lifted it. He was a doctor, for chrissakes. Jack tried to get his head on straight.

He settled the cotton at the top of her belly; that juncture where her plump breasts sat shelved high and her abdomen jutted sharply from her body. God, her belly was a fucking globe. She looked as though she could have had a full grown man curled inside of her.


While Kathleen’s groaning his name had triggered a concerning stirring somewhere south, Jack was also made aware that he had frozen up again. He quickly detached his hands from where they had settled at the top of Kathleen’s abdomen. “Right. Let’s get started.”

Aside from the comically small hospital gown, Kathleen was wearing some sweatpants shorts that seemed to serve her needs for comfort, coolness, and elasticity. Jack tried not to look at them, but he could still see how significantly Kathleen’s hips, thighs, and ass had filled out since the start of her pregnancy.

Jack squirted some gel onto the orb, his breathing shuddering a little. He tried to keep his cool as he ran the sonogram, Jade squinting at the screen as though she understood anything.

“So?” said Jade impatiently after a while had passed and Jack had gotten lost in his thoughts again.

Jack cleared his throat. “Yes, well…the babies are really quite…plump.” Jack didn’t mention that they were the biggest babies he had ever seen. “All five of them seem to be r-really...well-nourished. Er, you’re doing well, Kathleen,” he told his in-law reassuringly.

“Doing well?” said Kathleen, aggrieved. “I’m a blimp!”

Jade snickered.

Jack swallowed hard. He hesitated then tried to minimize her concerns. “I mean, they are quints. We did expect you to be a bit… large…”

“And what about the growth spurts!? I feel like I’m about to pop!” Kathleen whined, looking all sticky and sweaty, hands rubbing her massive belly.

“I…don’t see anything unusual,” Jack managed, truly struggling to keep it together.

Kathleen moaned, “What have you idiots done to mmmmghhh…ohhhh…” Her belly heaved hard, like something was pushing or shoving inside of it, the mound rising almost dauntingly — then it dropped again, sinking then quaking as Kathleen fidgeted and groaned. “So f-f-full…” she grunted. The chest of the gown dampened then quickly became saturated with milk, her fat nipples becoming more defined as they distended against the soaking material.

Jack knew he had to get out of there. “Can you help your mother get dressed?” he asked Jade as casually as he could, then he doffed his gloves and fled.



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