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Note: This is a story-prompt for D F.

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Several months earlier…

Veronica glanced over her notes yet again. The lab technician had her hair tied back in a ponytail and was wearing blue scrubs. She found her gaze alternating between the clipboard clutched in her hands and the man walking beside her.

Dr. Randall was a stocky man. He was also wearing scrubs, but had his lab coat draped over them.

“Sir…” Veronica started. She absently adjusted her glasses, her eyes now glued to the word printed in bold on the first page of her clipboard: Superfetation.

“What is it, Veronica?” responded Dr. Randall, still looking ahead. The lab was expansive, but quiet. The experiments conducted here were strictly confidential. The two reached a door labeled Exam Room 23. Instead of entering, Dr. Randall turned to face Veronica, giving the young technician his full attention.

“I have some concerns about the side effects of the fertility drug,” Veronica admitted as she nipped her bottom lip. “Namely, it’s regarding the fact that the patient is still sexually active.”

“Acknowledged,” Dr. Randall responded, his expression remaining stolid. He was a brusque man and it was always impossible to tell that he was thinking. “Is that all?”

Veronica’s face fell, but she nodded.

As the two entered the exam room, Veronica tried to replace her uneasiness with a professional smile with which she greeted Patient Zero.

“Teresa, good to see you again,” said Veronica.

“How are you feeling?” Dr. Randall asked in a way that Veronica knew was purely clinical.

“Good,” Teresa responded. She was on the exam bed, the back inclined so she wasn’t lying completely flat. Her hospital gown was drawn up to her chest while a sheet was strewn across her hips so that her midsection was left exposed.  Beside the bed was Sarah, another technician, who was doing a sonogram on Teresa. Sarah didn’t look up from the screen as she studied the dark, warping images produced by the scan.

“Is everything looking good?” Dr. Randall asked Sarah.

“So far,” Sarah responded. She continued to massage the gentle curve of Teresa’s stomach with the instrument.

“Hmmm…” Dr. Randall looked over Teresa’s chart.

“Teresa, how have your…” Veronica had been on the verge of inquiring about Teresa’s energy levels, but she noticed that something was off. Teresa was sweaty and flustered, her breathing audibly shallow. “Is everything okay?” Veronica inquired.

“I don’t —” Teresa groaned, cutting off her own response as she tensed up and gripped the edges of the bed. Sarah drew back in surprise as Dr. Randall looked up from his clipboard.

Teresa trembled a she breathed in and out in forceful puffs. Beads of sweat were rolling down her temples, her eyes squeezing shut, but then opening wide in surprise. Something was happening.

Dr. Randall started barking orders. “Prepare a sedative! Get her blood pressure!” But Veronica’s eyes were glued to the patient. Teresa groaned again, now arching her back.

Then Teresa started was growing. Veronica’s jaw fell as she saw Teresa’s belly heave forward in a throb of significant growth. Teresa was grunting and fidgeting, struggling to bear it, as it happened again and again.

Her belly was expanding. The previously small bump was rapidly filling, getting bigger and rounder. Teresa’s panicked eyes darted around at the three clinicians standing around her.

She clutched the mass, as though to push it back in or just stop whatever was happening. She whined out, face red and straining as things continued to escalate.

She rapidly went from looking four months pregnant to five, then six, and she was only getting bigger.

Dr. Randall had fallen silent from shock. Sarah was similarly frozen and speechless. Teresa looked as though she was in labor, babbling indecipherably as she clutched her expanding body.

“What’s —happening!?” Teresa choked out between her gasps. “Errgghhhh!” Her belly shoved forward another few inches, the young woman squirming. Teresa started breathing like she was doing lazamaze, her pink face covered in tears and sweat. She gave a yelp as her belly button popped out, then she started to swell more.

She looked seven months. Her belly was really protruding out, knees drawn up on either side of her. Even her breasts looked like they had started to expand, nipples bulging. “Nnnngghhh…” she groaned as her abdomen swelled another notch. She pushed it out, pushed with the pressure, face contorted in strain as her belly bobbed and bloated until she looked as though she was nine months pregnant.

Finally, the growth spurt seemed to end, Teresa left whimpering and clutching the mass. She slumped back, boneless and gasping. Veronica could only stare at the heaving orb now attached to their patient.

Veronica shot a look at Dr. Randall, who seemed completely nonplussed.

Veronica turned back to Teresa, who needed some sort of assurance. Veronica fidgeted with her clipboard and cleared her throat. “It…it looks like we have some testing to do,” Veronica stammered.



Oh man, this one keeps getting better! I'm still curious how Violet's doing tho 🤔