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Note: This is a story-prompt for D F.

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Claire was having the oddest dream. Everything was foggy. She was up and about in the sorority house…in the kitchen…? …and indulging in a snack. A large snack. The place was a mess and she was woozy. She was dizzy and foggy, yet eating mechanically and…

“Ohhh…” Claire registered as she realized her dream wasn’t quite a dream. Because she was still at the sorority house, and she was up and dressed, in the kitchen, and eating. Had she been sleepwalking?

Claire registered the chunk of meatloaf she had clutched in her fist. She was standing in front of the open refrigerator, clawing her way through leftovers from last night’s party.

This wasn’t like her. She didn’t know why she was doing this. Yet everything she put in her mouth somehow tasted so good. And where was Brad? “Mmmmghh…” Claire hummed as she stuffed the latest clump of meatloaf into her mouth despite herself. She chewed and swallowed, before taking up some more. With her free hand, she grabbed up several balls of mozzarella from the salad on the shelf above it.

There was pasta, cheese dip, stuffed potato balls, ice cream bars, sliders, mini quesadillas, and so much more, both in the freezer and in the fridge. Claire continued to indulgently stuff food down. Something had come over her. Some mad compulsion; a desperation to fill herself more and more. She needed as much as she could get, and then some. So she ate, even as her face reddened and her forehead started to sweat.

She found a large box of cupcakes piled with chocolate butter cream icing in one of the bottom drawers. She soon found that she was able to squish them each into her mouth, whole. She moaned as she realized they were filled with whipped cream, custard, or gooey chocolate sauce. They were soft and easy to chew and compress, then force down her throat. Claire panted after she had gobbled six of them down. There was just one cupcake left, then she would move on to the pan of cold eggrolls practically calling out to her.

Just before Claire could stuff the last plump cupcake into her mouth, she felt a sudden tension in her abdomen. She dropped the pastry to the ground, instead clutching her stomach with her icing-covered fingers. She grimaced and groaned, stumbling over to a wall. She leaned back against it for support as she tried to breathe, hands rubbing her pulsing stomach.

But the tension was only increasing. Her insides felt as though they were writhing. Her belly was shuddering — tightening. “Nnrgghhh…” she groaned, arching her back as the pressure reached its apex, and she could actually feel her belly inching forward, her blouse growing tighter as she struggled to hold on. This was impossible. She — she had to be imagining it. But even as she clutched her stomach, as though to push it back in, she could still feel it growing larger and rounder, and she could see her blouse growing impossibly tight, until diamonds of flesh started protruding between her buttons.

“AAHHHH!” Claire cried as her blouse burst right open. She was left dazed and panting, teary-eyed as she stared down at herself in shock. At this round swell that had popped out of nowhere. She suddenly looked as though she was seven months pregnant, her belly heaving up and down as she struggled to catch her breath.

Despite feeling stunned and woozy, Claire couldn’t deny the warm tingling of her flesh, and how it traveled straight to her groin. There was something about the sensation that was just so…nice. Her hands rubbed up and down the swollen expanse of flesh. This whole thing was just so bizarre.

Claire pushed herself off the wall and tried to adjust her changed balance. She looked around for something to cover herself up. In the living room, which was still a mess from last night’s party, she found Brad’s button-down shirt hanging over the back of a chair. Sighing in relief, she grabbed it, but before she could pull it on, she heard footsteps coming from down the hall. She looked up to see that it was her sorority “big,” who was looking a lot bigger today.

“I was looking for you,” said Becky, who had a pair of plump G-cups heaving on her chest. Not only were they big, they were full and round, wobbling cheerfully where they sat high on Becky’s chest. Becky was wearing nothing but a pair of panties, leaving her recent chest-growth on full display to Claire.

Becky stepped closer, her gaze pinned on Claire's stomach. “What happened here?” she teased, seeming almost mesmerized by Claire’s own changes. She reached down to lay her hands against Claire’s bulging abdomen, rubbing gently, and the sensation was absolutely amazing.

Claire didn’t fight the pleasure. Instead she leaned closer, allowing her own hands to explore. Soon they were kissing, stumbling back towards the couch. In the back of her mind, Claire worried about Brad coming in and finding them. But she also rather liked the concept of him joining in.

Things rapidly devolved as Claire and Becky ceded to the sensations of their bodies. Before Claire knew it, she was having the best orgasm of her life.



awesome :) looking forward to how the next one turns out.